Pool parties and careless confidence...

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     "Lets get changed!!!" Aph said.

     We decided that we would go swimming. We got changed and I was the last one waiting. So, when Katelyn was done changing, I went in and put on my bikini.

     When I went out, I could see the boys blushing

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     When I went out, I could see the boys blushing. I went and sat down on a lay-back chair to tan. I flipped myself so that I was face-down on it. I felt someone slap my butt and I rolled over to see who it was. I was surprised.



"Why did you-what!"

     He walked off and jumped into the pool. I just sat there, confused and bewildered. I saw Lucinda approach Zane. Then they talked, I don't know what about.

–•–•–•–•Zane's POV–•–•–•–•

     Lucinda approached me. I knew that she knew about my new-found crush on Y/n.

"Hey, Zane, you know I could help you out." Lucinda said.

"No! Don't you dare use some magic or some useless potion on me!" I said.

"Okay, but if you change your mind-"


"Hmph!" She said and walked off.

     She joined the others by the back porch. Y/n came up to me.

"Hey Zane." She said with that breath-taking smile.


"Well, im bored. Wanna talk?"


     We talked about ourselves and some random facts for about 30 minutes. I could see the noticeable glare on some of the guys faces. Their just jealous they didn't get to talk to her earlier today. She really is something, isn't she. Lucinda came up with drinks for me and y/n.

—–—•You're POV•—–—

     Lucinda brought us drinks. As Zane took a sip of his, the color of his eyes changed. They went from an icy blue to a regular blue. He blinked and looked at me.

"What?" I said in a playful tone.

"It's just that, well, you're so beautiful. I've never felt this way about someone before. When I look at you, I look at an angel. You're so kind and sweet. You're the icing to my cupcakes. I think I'm in love with you, y/n." He said, most likely more serious then intended. I blushed and stood up along with him.

"Wow, Zane. I never knew you felt that way. I'm surprised it's me, I always thought that you'd like Aphmau. It's quite surprising. I'm glad you let me know this. I-" He stepped closer to me and pulled down his mask.

"It's my pleasure." He said, cutting me off, then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close.

     He closed the gap between us and kissed me. I was frozen for a second. He really likes me. A lot. He was strong too. Am I falling for him? No I can't. How would I decide. There's too many that could possibly like me. It had been a couple-maybe a little more than that, seconds. He pulled away and we looked into each other's eyes. I noticed the change in his eye color just then.

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