Girls night, what can go wrong?

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     It was 6:57 when I heard the doorbell. The girls were outside and they filed in. Once we were settled, we started talking.

"What do you wanna play." Katelyn said.

"How about Truth or dare?" Nicole suggested.

"Or maybe Truth or Truth." Kawii-Chan grinned.

"Dare or Dare!" Lucinda said.

"Oooooo! All good one's!" Aph said.

"Here. How about Truth or Dare or Out?" I said. We all decided on that and started playing.

"Hey Katelyn, truth or dare?" Aph said.

"Dare." Katelyn replied.

"Okay I dare you to text Travis and say, 'Hey! I wanna tell you something' then once he replies say 'I really really really really really really like......' Then when he reads it type and send, 'food'. And don't text him anything else." Aph said, laughing.

"Ok!" Katelyn said and whipped out her phone. Even though it didn't sound like much, we all enjoyed messing with Travis.

Text chat;

K- Hey! I wanna tell you something.
T- ...
T- What's on your mind?
K- ...
K- I really really really really really really like...
T- Oh...
T- But don't you also like me? 😉
T- Hello?
T- Katelyn?
T- Dang it......😔

     We all started laughing from Travis's disappointment. Yeah....we're pretty bad friends some times, but we have to prank each other. Why else would we have friends?
We decided to get into pajama's. But it was so hot that we ended up in our lingerie and shorts. Just the normal. A bunch of girls in a house, together, only in bra's and short shorts, also well known as 'booty shorts'. I went to the kitchen to get snacks. I came back with three bowls full of popcorn and two bottles of soda, plus enough cups for us all. We decided to watch random YouTube video's. And somehow, we ended up on Shane Dawson's channel. HELLO CONSPIRACY THEORIES!!!

-------------The guys POV---------------

     Travis told us about Katelyns text prank. We decided to start playing Dare or Dare. It's when you ask someone to pick between two names and whoever they pick has to do a dare. And it's bro's night, we have to have a little fun. Okay, maybe a little more then fun.

"Okay, Zane, who would you rather send to a terrible fate? Garroth or Vylad. It's brother or brother. Be real cyclops, you've had the choice planned." Laurence said.

Zane evilly laughed, "You're right, Little Laurence, I've had this planned. Vylad's a sweet brother, even though he can get on my nerves. But Stutter King is the real issue. Hmmm. HAHAHA! Garroth!" His voice sang with pure excitement.

"Okay, Garroth, I dare you to send a picture of yourself to Y/n. Here's the catch. It has to be right now, of you, shirtless." Laurence evilly laughed, with Zane joining in. Even though they both hated the idea, it would torture Garroth.

     Garroth turned red but accepted his dare. He went into another room, undressed and took a picture. Then put his pants back on, left his shirt off and sent the photo.

"Done!" He said and sat on the couch. They waited for a response and for Garroth's terrible fate to catch up.

-----------------Girls POV---------------

     Y/n's phone went off and we paused our husband, Shane Dawson's, video. She looked at it and squealed. Then threw her phone across the room. It landed face down on the floor. She covered her face with the blanket that she had been cuddling with.

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