Who is that

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Y/n's phone went off multiple times. She went to check it and screamed. She force for a moment, staring at her phone.

"They ALL sent me photos of them in THEIR BOXERS!!!!!" Y/n yelled. The girls squealed. (I REFUSE to find pictures for them ALL!)

"Okay. It's time to go to bed. We are sleeping upstairs." Y/n said. They all went upstairs but Y/n.
"Coming?" Aph asked.
"In a minute." Y/n said. She texted all the boys the same thing.

'Oh my god. We're going to bed now so please, no more pictures. I mean, I don't mind it but, it's late and all at once? You guys are insane. But that's why we are friends. Night, casanova's."

She sat down on the couch and got a text.

From Nick:
Hey beautiful. Me and Kyle are gonna stop by your new house with two more friends. We're on a road trip. See you soon. 😘

From Y/n:
Hey Nick. Btw, I'm having a girls night sleepover and everyone else is asleep, so you'll have to be quiet. I'll be waiting. See ya. And, STOP IT YOU BAKA! 😐

After I sent the text I went to the kitchen to get a snack. I was looking through the cabinets when the doorbell went off. He coulda texted instead. I went to the door and opened it.

"Hey Nic- oh uh, hey guys! What are you doing here? And why are you all shirtless?!?!??" I said, blushing.

"Well, we came to see- wait! Who's Nick?!?!?!" Travis said.

"No one. Now why are you here?" I said stepping outside and closing the door, forgetting I was in my bra and short shorts.

"Oh uh....ehem. Do you know what your wearing? Umm, er uh..." Zane stuttered and the boys turned red.

"I do. Now I'm getting irritated. Why are you here? You need to leave, now! If the girls wake up you're all going to get in trouble." I said, but it wasn't the girls I was worried about.

I think Laurence realized that and was jealous.

"Hmm. Are you sure you're worried about the girls? There was more panic in you're tone then there should of been. And you mentioned a 'Nick' when you opened the door..." Laurence said and the guys all looked at each other.

"I uh.."

I didn't finish since I didn't have too. At that moment a maroon SUV pulled up in the driveway. I gasped and pushed my way through the guys. I stopped short of the car and waited. Each of the four doors opened. Out of the front came Kyle and Nick. Out of the back two was Max and Adam. Yes, Adam as in SkyTheKidRS and Max as in Mithzan. Nick as in SGCBarbarian, and Kyle as in my brother. I went and hugged them each. The boys behind us still staring.

"Who are they, Y/n?" I heard Dante ask.


"I'm her brother, Kyle."

"And I'm her boyfriend, Nick and I'm also known as SGCBarbarian."

"What!" I heard the boys yell.

"SHH! You'll wake them up! And Nick, you don't have to pretend or act. I know them. Their not hookers, well, most of them." I said, laughing.

"And I'm Max, or Mithzan. And, y/n, uh.. Do you know what you're uh..." He looked away.

"Yeah, it's fine, you can look at me. I don't mind." I replied, giving a warm smile.

"I'm Adam, NetNobody, SkyTheKidRS."

"I guess it's our turn." Laurence said. The boys introduced themselves.

"Why don't we go to the guys place..." I said. We went to their house, then things went south...
----------------------------------------------WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN?!??
Stay tuned for the next part...
Haha! You have to live in suspense....or do you? We'll find out soon enough!



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