Having the guys over

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It was 10:09 when we finished unloading and putting things away.

"Hey guys, I know you live right next door, but, since it's late your welcome to stay at my house. I'll be upstairs, last door on the right, if you need me just knock. I have a guest bedroom and y'all can decide on sleeping terms. Goodnight." I said.

"Okay, I snore so, I will take the guest room." Garroth said.

"Good, one down." I said.

I took Garroth's hand and lead him up the stairs to his room. He immediately turned pink, but I don't know why. Honestly, I was too exhausted to think about it either.

"Here we are, goodnight." I said then went to my room.



I woke up to hear my door creak open, I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Hey, beautiful, I'm gonna sleep with you, okay." I heard a voice say as someone slightly moved me and kissed me on the forehead.

I felt a warmth cuddle up next to me, but I was to tired to retaliate.


I woke up in the morning to see Travis sleeping next to me. I laughed and tried to get up, but something or better yet, someone pulled me back down.

"Mornin' gorgeous." He said.

I looked at him and realized he had no shirt on.

"Uh, Travis, put a shirt on." I said.

"You'll be fine." I felt my face get warm.

"You're cute when you blush." I got even redder. He moved closer to me, we were inches apart.

"Travis what are y-" I was interrupted by him kissing me.

He pinned me to the bed so that I couldn't push away. He was so strong. Y/n, stop it! When he pulled away, all I could see was the shine and lust in his eyes.

"Travis, w-why don't we go get breakfast." I said, it was too early for this.


We got downstairs to see the boys already awake. I could smell cooked eggs and bacon. As we got down I could see the guys talking.

"And she's coming right n-" Garroth said then stopped to look at me and Travis.

"I don't want to know." Garroth said.

"I do!" Dante yelled.

"I woke up to cloud here in my bed." I said, walking to the food.

"Why didn't I think of that..." Laurence said under his breath.

"WHAT WAS THAT!??!??" The guys yelled. I turned bright red and freezed.

"L-Laurence..." I started to say but stopped.

"I said nothing." He said.

"Well, now that you two are down here. Aph went to our house and texted me asking why I wasn't answering. I told her about us being here and now she's throwing a party so Y/n can meet everyone. The bad news is that she's on her way right now to meet Y/n, herself." Garroth said.

"Garroth, that's the longest paragraph I've ever heard you say." Dante said.

Garroth sighed and went back to whatever he was doing.

'What's wrong with Aph meeting me?'
I wondered.

"If you're wondering, I'm only worried because Aph likes to, 'ship' people..." Garroth said.

"Oh, ok..."
Like today's chapter? Comment below what you're thinking about Brøken so far. Hope you enjoy my book. Sorry for the late post. I was busy and forgot to post. But it's here now. Okay, bye guys.

- Travy~Sama

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