Chapter two

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I couldn't find my way around this god damn school for the life of me, it's just so huge.(that's what she said). I had to ask someone, I have no clue where I'm going or what I'm doing. People are staring at me, I think they know I'm new. It's never good when someone looks new because that when people start picking on them, in that case me.
After aimlessly walking around I built up the courage to ask someone. The person that stuck out to me was a man wearing a bright blue hoodie. He was talking to someone with a red leather jacket. I made my way up to them but the man in the red jacket was staring at me. Well there goes all my confidence.
"Hi, do you know where Mrs C-C-Colmers English class is?" I ask stuttering and fear clear in my voice. "Yea I do actually, we have her first too." The man in the blue jacket replied. "Come with us, we'll show you."
We made it into the classroom. I thought the school couldn't get any bigger. Well apparently I was wrong. "Oh yea" blue jacket man said, scaring me half to death. "My names Jonathan, and this is Evan." He pointed to man seated next to him. Jonathan had this maniac smile on his face. Soft looking skin, very pale. Wearing a blue shirt and hoodie indicates his liking for the colour. He has reasonably short black hair with dark blue eyes. Evan, on the other hand, had brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall compared to Jonathan no not too tall. I think Jonathan was just short. Evan had tan skin, not too tan though, a nice colour. He was pretty buff, probably a football player. A white shirt to match the with stripes on the biceps of his red leather jacket. And plain black skinny jeans. They both looked like good company. "Have you made any friends yet or are we all that you've got so far?" Evan asked "Are you Canadian? And yes only you two." "YEA, Evan is pure bread Canadian." Jonathan exclaimed excitedly. I was about to say something else when I was abruptly interrupted by what I'm assuming was the teacher. She looked like a mean old lady. "She's not very nice so try stay on her good side and keep quite." Jonathan whispers in my ear. That's my theory. "WELL I SEE WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT IN HERE!" She shouts making me and clearly the rest of the class flinch. "COME UP HERE AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF." I was terrified. Not knowing anyone but Jonathan and Evan was bad enough, now I have to stand in front of 25 other people? Oh god.
I give Evan a worried look as he's looking at me. He sends me a warm smile which makes me feel a little better. Stereotyping Evan but he is a really nice Canadian. "H-hi, my name is Craig." It hits me like a bus, I hadn't told Jonathan or Evan my name. Well they've just found out. " Uh, I moved here from the UK as you can probably tell by my accent. I live with my mum (I'm from New Zealand and this is how we spell it here) and sister and that's it." At least I didn't stutter so much. "Well hello Craig, nice for you to come to our school and be in my class." She said with a more gentle tone which seemed to calm me down a little bit. "I see you've found a friend in Jonathan and Evan. Go have a seat." She motions me back to my seat in between my two new friends.
Half way though the period Jonathan whispers in my ear again. "You should come sit with me and Evan with our group of friends, they'd love you." Group? That sound like a lot of people. Well I'll do it for Jonathan as it seems to make him happy. "Ok I'll come with you." His face lit up and I think I've made a good decision.

Time skip - lunch -

Jonathan was practically dragging me to lunch with him. Evan was giving me an apologetic look. I gave him a quick smile in return. We get to the table in the cafeteria. A wave of anxiety washes over me. There are so many of them. Once again I was dragged towards them but this time by Evan. Surprising me by the force of this gentle man I decide to follow along. Evan pushed me down next to a tall, very beautiful I must say, man. His blue eyes stuck out the most, piercing into me, almost a sharp look. I realised I was staring so I turned to face whoever was in front of me hoping that my blush wasn't too noticeable. I went to look at Evan and Jonathan only to see Evan smirking and Jonathan cackling to himself. This was their plan. They set this up. Son of a bitch.

A/N ahhh I'm sorry for the late post, I've been so busy with school and stuff but it's here now and I hope you enjoy.

Word count 872

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