Chapter Eight

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Tyler's POV

It was hard enough not to kiss him as is, now he's playing games with me and making cute faces, now he's all I can think about. The face he made while looking at me. He got me back for throwing him in the water that's for sure. He scared the living shit out of me. I don't know what I would have done if I have legitimately hurt him. I had to leave, so I ran down the beach out of sight. I heard Craig shouting behind me. I can't imagine myself without Craig. What would happen if he got actually hurt by my stupid games. "Tyler?" I jump out of my skin. I turn my head and see Craig. He has water in him eyes. Has he been crying? "I'm sorry Tyler, I just wanted to get back at you." "Oh god, Craig, you shouldn't be sorry, I should be the one apologising. It was my fault." He looks as if he about to say something but stops before sound comes out. I stare into his eyes and he's staring into my too. The world seems to be closing in on us. We gradually make ourself so close to each other that our lips are nearly touching. I put my hand on his cheek and smash my lips on his. I felt him smile then kiss back. He pulls away and rests him forehead on mine. "I really like you Tyler." "I really like you too Craig." He gets the worried look in his face and looks me dead in the eyes. "Please don't tell anyone that this happened." Ok but you have to answer one question first. Ok?" He nods, "will you do the honour of being my boyfriend?" I don't think I've ever seen him blush so much before. "Yes. Yes, yes yes yes." He starts crying more. This time in know they are happy tears. He wraps his arms around my shoulders. I peck his lips and pull him up as I stand up. "We should get back before everyone wonders why we've been so long." "Yea good idea." I hold his hand on the walk back but when the others are in site, I let go and give Craig a warm smile. I don't want to tell them yet. Our friends I mean. "Hey, sorry I ran off. I just needed to think." "Nah man, don't worry. Well I'm sooo tired so I think we should head back before it gets too dark." Even says. Heading back will be a good idea.

Ahh sorry for the long wait. I've been sorta busy and really lazy. Heaps of exams to study for. This chapter is more of a filler chapter than anything else as I have no motivation. I will get one out soon as possible. Thank you TheMidnightWolfer for making me update. Thanks for 140 reads.
Word count 487

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