Chapter Seven

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Craig's POV

A couple months later

Me and Tyler had become better friends and my liking for him has grown. I've also been accepted into his friend group and I'm getting along with them. It's the holidays and I've been invited to the beach my Evan. (Btw Tyler's group consists of Nogla, Lui, Evan, Jonathan (delirious), Brian, Brock, Scotty and Marcel. Can you find the ships?) Apparently the whole gang is coming. Tyler was picking me up at one as I still don't have a car. It's only 12:30 now. I was getting all my stuff together, Swim shorts, sunscreen, a hat, water and a towel. These people have made me the happiest person in the world. I'm being pulled out of my of my depression and I've stopped cutting. All the horrible memories I have of my father and my past are filled with new happy ones with my new found group of friends. I hear a honk outside. Probably my neighbours. I hear another, god will they shut up. A couple minutes later there's a knock at my door. I head downstairs and open it. "GOD CRAIG. I've been outside honking for the past 5 minuets and I called like a hundred times." Oh. That was him. "Why are you here so early anyways, I thought you were coming at one?" "Craig it's ten past one." Wait what? "That can't be right, it was only 12:30 a couple minutes ago?" I look at the clock on my phone. "Holy shit. Tyler it's ten past one." How did 40 minuets go by so fast. "No shit Sherlock. No get your stuff and get in the car." I giggle then grab my stuff and head outside. "Thanks for picking me up Tyler, I wouldn't of minded walking." "Oh Craig it's one hell of a walk, you are not walking to the beach." I guess it was a long walk. "Thanks anyway though." "It's ok."

Time skip -beach-

I had put all my things down and was lying down on my towel. "Hey bitch." I look up and see Nogla standing above me. "Hey Nogla. What you doing?" "Nothing, just came to sit with you." Oh. "I don't mind sitting alone, go play in the water, go talk to Lui." I look at him and wiggle my eyebrows. I see him blush. "Oh shut up Craig." His Irish accent had come up and was thick. "Well I'll see you later Craig." He says as he walks away. "Ok bye." I pull my art book out of my bag. I forgot it at home so half way here I made Tyler turn around so I could get it.

Flash back

"Oh shit." I whisper. "What did you do Craig?" Tyler asks, he sounded annoyed. I make a slight chuckle. "Well I may of forgotten something at home." My voice quieter during my sentence. "Craig are you shitting me? Oh god. And you want to turn around and get it don't you?" I couldn't help my giggle at his reaction. "Yes please." He huffs then turns around and heads back.
When I got back in the car Tyler was tapping his fingers and looked annoyed. "Thanks for waiting Tyler." "Shut up." I laugh. It probably wasn't the beat thing to do at this situation but I couldn't help it. "Ooh Craig I swear to god. Stop laughing or I'll crash this car." I shut up and try hold in my laughs. I had grabbed my sketch book and a book to read. I wasn't planning on going in the water, just to watch and sketch. Tyler stilled seemed mad when we got to the beach. He'll get over it.

End of flash back

I pull out my sketch book and was planning on drawing the water. It was a beautiful colour, nothing like anything I've ever seen. The sea was a lovely blue and green, in some sorts cyan. It glistens in the sun light. I take out my pencils and my water colours and start sketching.

Time skip - An hour -

Nogla came running up to me screaming my name. "CRAIG." He yells. "WHAT." I yell back even though he was right next to me. "God don't deafen me. Come in the water with us." "No I'm fine sitting here." "You sure? The waters waiting." The sly grin of his face indicates that if I said no I'd end up in the water anyways. "No, Dathi I'm fine sitting here." "Ok ok." He walks away and goes to whisper something in Tyler's ear. His face brightens up and a smirk appears. Oh no. He comes running up to me. "Oh no no no Tyler don't." He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up off the floor. He throws me over his shoulder and I'm flailing my arms around while trying to kick Tyler. "Come one Tyler put me down." I whine. "No can do, you're not going to be sitting there all day, you have to get in the water." Tyler walks in the water then flipped me over in to the water. I was about to sit up but I wanted revenge against Tyler. I have pretty good breathing under water so I stay under. I try to swim a little bit further under subtly. I hear him panic and see his hands reach in the water. "CRAIG." His arms are flailing around under the water. "CRAIG." I hear him yell again. He reaches my arm and pulls me up with such strength that it takes my breath away, which I guess makes my acting more realistic. He's picked me up bridal style and laid me on the beach. He ran away to the direction of Evan and the others. Nows my opportunity. I stand up, grab a towel, dry myself off and sit down where I was and began reading again. Tyler and the others came running back. Holy shit his face. He's looking where I was lying not even a minute ago. He looks up and slowly turns his head to me. Anger is clear on his face. "CRAIG, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU." I start giggling then it turns into a full on wheeze. Everyone was laughing as well but Tyler. "Tyler what on earth are you talking about?" His anger seems to rise. Now I'm just poking the bear. He ends up just walking away. Oh, I feel bad now. "Oh god. I'll go see if he's ok." I stand up and go in the direction he ran in but I couldn't see him. I hope he's ok. Now I have to go look for him. God the chances of him liking me is thin. Now whatever I do I have to remember I'm walking on thin ice.

Holy crap, sorry for not updating in ages. I just haven't had time and can't find anything to write. It's also really short so I apologise. Thanks for nearly 100 reads.

Word count 1171

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