Chapter Twelve

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tyler's pov

It's been a few months since the incident with craig, but in that time we've gotten closer then i thought humanly possible.

it was coming up to Christmas and our group of friends were planning on doing a secret santa. i had Evan and that was as far as i knew.

i knew exactly what u was going to get him, it was going to be a little hard to achieve but i'll make it work.

we all sat in Evans living room arguing about what movie we wanted to watch. 'SCARY! IT HAS TO BE SCARY.' jonathan yelled at no one in particular. 'nope no scary. me no likey.' craig said while sitting next to me. we have the same conversation every time we want to watch a movie. 'I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU WANT CRAIG.ITS SCARY.' jonathan stood up in front of craig. 'comedy.' 'SEE JONATHAN, NOGLA HAS A GOOD SUGGESTION.' 'i would mind a comedy.' evan looks up at jon amd puts a hand on his shoulder. 'comedy it is.' jon clearly admitting defeat. we all let out a snicker as brian picks a movie.

once again the seating was in pairs. more or less couples. lui and nogla, evan and jonathan, brian and brock, scotty and marcel, and me and craig.

i stood up from where i was sitting and walked towards the kitchen. 'hey, evan, come help me with the snacks.' evan the. stood up also and followed me into his kitchen.

'who's your secret santa?' he asked. 'bro i can't tell you that. secret santa, not tell the whole fucking group santa.' he chuckled a bit at my sarcasm. 'what bout you?' i ask. he turned to look at me as if i just shoved a whole cucumber down my throat. 'are you serious?' i laughed so loud that i think i heard the guys behind me turn around.

'if you wanna tell me then tell me, but you don't have to.' i said grinning knowing he'd tell me sooner or later.

'you know, you're fucked up tyler.' evan said smirking a little. 'oh shut up evan, it's not like you're any better.' i shove him slightly towards the back into the living room.

i sat back down next to craig and handed him the popcorn and some m&m's (which are his favourite). we had 5 bowls of popcorn, one for each "couple".

we went through most of the movie with no problems. a few pieces of popcorn thrown around. craig had his head on my shoulder and i had my arm round his and my hand running through his hair.

i wonder what he'd look like under me, moaning my na- NO i can't. now is not the time to be thinking of this.

kissing him down his chest. blushed face.
loud moaning. his naked body shivering under my own.

'shit' i curse under my breath. craig looks over at me 'hey, tyler you ok?' i look down at my little problem then back at craig. 'mm, yea i'm fine, i just... need to go to the bathroom.' i stand up and head to the bathroom upstairs.


i head into the bathroom and lock the door. i slide my back down the door and i sit on my knees. 'i can't do this.' 'i-i can't' i start panting. i rub my hand down my torso and stop at my crotch.

i start to palm myself through my jeans, my panting picking up speed.

i slowly pulled my jeans and boxers down to my knees and spread my legs further out. i graves a hold of my dick and moaned instantly.

i slowly started to move my hand up and down. i take my thumb and rub it over the slit on my tip, sending shivers up my entire body. 'aaah.'

i use my free hand to play with my nipples under my shirt. i speed up my pumping nearly sending me over the edge. 'mmmh craig. c-craig. faster. please. aah.'

i hear a knock at the door. 'hey, tyler, you in there?' shit. 'y-yea?' my panting continuing but i don't take my hands away just yet. 'you ok? it sound like you've just ran a fucking marathon.' 'y-yea craig i'm f-fine.' i start to pump myself again. just hearing his voice turns me on.

'you going to come out soon? can i open the door?' i can see the door handle turning. i thought i locked that? 'WAIT' but before i have time to do any more i was on the floor on my back. my penis still in one hand and nipple in the other. craig stood at the door wide eyed staring at me then down to my crotch then back up to my face. his face blushed red then a mischievous smirk.

he entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him, smirk still plastered on his face. he dropped onto his knees and pushed me down from my elbows.



i had much stress at school and i went into a really big depression spell for about 2 months. but i'm back. i know no one reads this but thank you for nearly 500 reads.

tell me what i can work on and vote.

i will update soon because its my holidays.

it's christmas today so merry christmas everyone.

word count 911.

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