Chapter nine

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Craig's POV

Tyler had invited me over to his house with the others. After the events that happened today it was probably a good idea. We had gotten inside and Evan suggested watching a movie. We had spaced ourselves along each couch. Nogla and lui, Evan and Jonathan, Brian and Brock, Scotty and Marcel them Tyler and me.

"SO!" Tyler screams scaring everyone in the room shitless. "What movie do you fuckers wanna watch?" "Anything but horror." Jonathan says and Marcel, Nogla and Brock all nod in unison. "Comedy?" Nogla butts in. "Yup that sounds like a great idea." I agree with him. Tyler turns around and smiles at me. He walks over from where he's standing and sits down next to me again. "Oh come on Craig. It's not going to be that scary." His voice was filled with sarcasm and hilarity. "Yea hahaha. I bet it's going to be a walk in the fucking park." I sit back and cross my arms knowing I'm never going to in this argument. I sigh and pout as Tyler puts his arm around me. "Ok so scary movie it is."

Tyler stands up and goes to put the movie on. "Eh are we really sure about this. I agree with Craig on this one." Jonathan says. "See Tyler, other people agree with me." "Nope, deals done." He turns off the lights and sits down next to me again.

Time skip ...

We had gotten about half way through the movie when I decided I needed to pee. "I need pee." I announce as I walk out the room. I hear a few soft giggles which I assume are in response for my childish sentence.

I had finally guided myself to the bathroom, bumping into a few things along the way. I couldn't find the light switch, so I ended up not bothering to find it. I switched on the light in the bathroom as it was a little easier to access. I pissed then looked at myself in the mirror. "I look like shit." My dark hair was all mattered and my skin was pale. Paler than usual. The bags under my eyes were more visible. It looked like I haven't slept in days, weeks maybe. "Why does Tyler like me? What does he seen in me?"

I heard something soft hit the sink. I looked up and I had found myself crying. "I'm ugly." I pull a gum container out of my pocket. {the metal ones} I open it and take out the content. It sits in between my fingers. The thin metal material. So sharp it could cut skin. As I said that I slowly slide it across my skin. "All I am is a burden to this group." Another one across. "None on them like me." Another. "Tyler wants me to feel involved so he's telling me he likes me." Another. "No one loves me. I'll always be alone." One more.

I feel myself starting to feel dizzy. I tried to make myself to the door but my hand couldn't seem to get close enough. I felt myself slowly getting closer to the ground until all I saw was black.

I heard hard and fast steps coming up the stairs and then the bathroom door swing open. " CRAIG" I hear someone yell. I couldn't make it out as it was muffled.

I felt myself being shook until I felt nothing.

I didn't feel dead. I didn't want to be dead. I just wanted to be out of there.

They probably will never talk to me again.

Is that a good thing though.

Ahh I finally updated. I've had no time at all and hardly any motivation. But seeing as I'm at 200 reads I thought I might make a chapter while I'm on the bus going to school. Thank you for reading, u really appreciate it. I hope my writing is getting better.
Sorry for short chapters. They will get longer i promise.

Word count 669

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