Chapter Ten

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Tyler's POV

I was sitting next to Craig with my arm wrapped around his shoulder. He stood up and announced he needed to pee. I giggled at his childish antics.

Time skip

Craig has been upstairs for a while. I was thinking about checking up on him. "Hey guys, how long has Craig been in the bathroom?" They all gave me confused expressions. "No clue, been to engulfed in the movie." Brian tells me "dunno either. Been to engulfed in the couch arm." Nogla replies. We all let out a slight chuckle but was broken off when we heard a bang.

We knew it wasn't coming from the movie so it had to of been Craig upstairs. "Craig." I whisper and quickly sprint up the stairs. I push open the bathroom door to find Craig lying in the floor covered in a pool of his own blood.

He has cuts all up his arm. New and old. I look over the scars and think about how someone could make someone go so far. Making them want to kill themselves. I get anger fill up inside me. I hit the sink with my fist.

Evan walks in and gasps. "Evan. Go call an ambulance." Evan picks his phone up out of his pocket and dials 911. He walks out of the room and starts talking. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I say Craig up and leaned his back up against the bath. I got out the med kit and started to clean up his wrists. "What the fuck am I doing?" I wrap a bandage around both his wrists and pull him into a hug.

I didn't realise until I felt an itch on my cheek, I was crying. Crying over Craig. Crying over the fact that I had lost the man I... the man I love.

"No Craig. Places don't leave me like this. I.. l love you. I can't lose you. You mean more to me than you know or even realise." I started to sob into his shoulder hugging him tighter and tighter.

I heard the sirens coming closer and closer.

I tuned out until I was being pulled off him by Evan and the paramedics.

Evan pulled me into a hug and held me close to him. I cried into Evans shoulder until the ambulance sirens were out of ear range.

"I'm going to bed." I tell Evan as I walk into the spare room which is basically mine. I've been to Evans house so many times that I essentially live here. I stripped down to my underwear and hopped into bed. Evan walked in and sat down next to me. "We'll go see Craig tomorrow ok? You need to get some sleep. I promise you that you will see him again." I sit up and hug him again. "This is the most emotion I've expressed in a long time." I laugh at my weakness. "You're not weak." Evan tells me. Did I say that out loud? "You love him and you know it. I'm telling you now..." Evans voice got really serious. "You will be able to tell Craig that you love him."

"Ok Evan, I believe you." My voice got quiet at the end of my sentence.

I laid my head back on my pillow. "I will only tell him if you tell Jon that you love him." I heard Evan squeak behind me. "H-how do you know about that?" I chuckle. "I know because it's blatantly fucking obvious." I could feel him blushing. He loves him.

"Goodnight Tyler."

"Goodnight Evan."

For some reason I've been on a roll with updates. {lies} I hope you like it. Idk if I should to Tyler's part again or keep going with my theme of Craig then Tyler.
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I hope you like it so far.
Thanks so much for the support. <3
Word count 666 - hah

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