Chapter Eleven

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Craigs POV

I had an aching heading. There was ringing in my ears and I felt like shit. I couldn't remember the events of the previous hours, days or weeks. I knew I wasn't dead so I had no recollection of time. But I knew for a fact that I had fucked up.

I opened my eyes. It wasn't as bright as people make it out to be. The curtains were closed and it was really quiet.

A nurse came into my room. She shut the door carefully and picked up clipboard at the end of my bed and look up. "Oh, you're awake." Her eyes widened and wrote something on the clipboard she just picked up. "So Craig, how are you feeling?" I thought for a bit before answering. "To be honest, I feel like shit." She let out a little chuckle. "Well that's to be expected." "What happened to me?" She gave me a weird look but told me anyways. "You tried to kill yourself." The way she put it sounded harsh. I have a feeling that she was upset about bringing it up. "What did I do?" "Overdose and cut."

A flood of memories filled my head.

I remember Tyler running into the bathroom. Breaking the door as he did so. Him screaming my name. Red. Then black.

"How long was I out for?" "Nearly two weeks." Oh god. You're kidding. She seemed to notice my face as it scrunched up. "A nice man, Tyler was it? He's been coming in every day. Some days he hasn't even left." My face softened and she smiled. She looked at her watch "he'll be here in ten minutes. Just wait and I'll get the doctors in." "Ok." I say as she walks out the room.

The doctor walks in and checks all my vitals. I had pulled down my hospital gown as he was checking my heart rate.

Tyler walks in with a bag filled food while rubbing his eyes. "You look tired." His eyes shot open and he dropped his food. "CRAIG!" He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my body. "When the hell did you wake up?" "About ten minutes ago." He let me go a looked down at my chest. He blushed and turned around picked up his food. "Did you know I was going to wake up today?"  I laughed a little and he bought out a crap ton of food from the bag he brought. "No," he started to blush again. "I bring you food everyday hoping you'd wake up." He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well aren't you sweet."

He blushed again and opened the bag. He pulled out a box and some fry's. "Chicken nuggets and fry's for you m'lady." We both chuckled as I grabbed my bag from him.

"My favourite, how'd you remember?" "Just a gift of mine." "And I'm not a lady." I said remembering the 'm'lady' comment. "Sure sure, just eat your food."

Time skip - cuz I can -

Me and Tyler we're watching The Breakfast Club. It's my favourite movie. And I started to feel tired.

"You gonna sleep?" I finally shut my eyes and replied to him in a hum. "You should go. Go home and sleep." "Um, no. i'm staying, you sleep and i'll stay here." U was too tired to do anything and he was persistent. "ok you can stay but..." i shuffled over because my bed was reasonably big. "...You lay next to me. i don't want you staying in that chair any longer." i had already moved over so he knew i wouldn't be able to move back. "ok ok, only cause you asked so nicely."

Tyler laid down beside me and moved onto his side and faced me. I struggled and moved onto my side as well. "did that hurt?" he asked me. " yea a little." He looked a little confused and he had that eyebrow scrunch. I put my finger in between his eyebrows and moved it up and down a little. "what's wrong?" "i know it's a bit of a sucky topic but didn't you overdose?" i nodded "don't you need to have that big thing coming out of your stomach?" "yea but i don't think i had enough to do any major damage." he nodded and shuffled closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest. He smelt nice.

"You really scared me. Don't do that ever again." i looked up at him and he looked like he was about to burst into tears. He closed eyes and looked up at the ceiling. "Hey hey hey, Tyler don't worry." i put my hand on his cheek and he looked at me again.

A tear slipped down his face. "I r-really d-don't want to l-loose you." More and more tears fell down his face. I wiped away his tears. "Ty. Please don't cry. I don't want to leave you either."

He looked down at me once again and smashed his lips against mine.

He put one hand on my cheek and another on my lower back. He pulled me in closer and I kissed him deeper.

He finally pulled away for what i'm assuming was a breath in need. He had lust in his eyes. " You have no idea how long i've been wanting to do that." "Oh i know." i said as i pecked him on the lips.

"Now sleep." he wrapped his arms around me again as i rested my head on his chest again.

"I love you Craig."

"I love you too Tyler."


OMG i know it's taken so fucking long to update. i hope you like this chapter. i haven't had time to update due to school but the more i wrote the more i enjoyed writing and the more it made me happy.

i really really hope you guys are enjoying this book. please vote and comment.

tell me stuff i need to work on and if you're liking this book.

i'll try make the next chapter longer

Word Count - 1025

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