Chapter four

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Tyler's POV

This man, sitting right next to me was the most beautiful and handsome specimen I've ever laid my eyes on. I hear the clip clapping of heals behind me not bothering to turn around thinking it was just a dumb sophomore - me being a junior and all -. I feel cold hand over my eyes, I was about to turn around and beat the shit out of whoever was behind me, then I hear a whisper in my ear, "guess who?" Oh yea. I have a girlfriend. "Hi Kelly." I take her hands off my face and turn around. She engulfs me with a kiss. For some reason I haven't felt the same about Kelly recently. Nothing personal, just that spark isn't as bright, in all honesty, not there at all. I push her away slightly earning a pout, I choose to ignore it. "How have you been ty-." She was briefly interrupted by what seemed to be a very angry Evan. Evan doesn't get angry, like ever, so this is a first. "Kelly." Evan says, trying to keep his cool. "Come sit by me." He pats the seat next to him and Jon. So he's not angry at Kelly but what she was doing. He gives me a smile and a wink. I think he knows that I don't feel the same way about Kelly anymore. Aside from that he's a great best friend. I give him a smile and a glare back. He giggles to himself the proceeds to talk over Kelly to Jon.
I turn to look at the beautiful man next to me only to see he's not there. I wonder where he's gone? "Hey guys, do you know where the new kid went?" No one hear me or didn't know so didn't bother answering. I wanted to go look for him so I stood up and was about to walk away when I interrupted by Kelly. "Hey Ty, where are you going?" "Outside for some fresh air." I lied. Kelly was always the jealous type so I never bothered to tell her if I was going to talk to someone she didn't know because she'd go ape shit on me. I walk away with the intention to find this new boy.
I go to the first place someone new would go. The bathroom. I spent 10 minuets looking around all the bathrooms and couldn't seem to find him. There is one bathroom left then I give up, I'll just hope he's in one of my classes later. I walk in just in time to stop Ryan punching the new kid in the face. "OI." I yell as I grab his fist before it makes contact with the poor boys face. "QUIT IT." Ryan turns around and looks at me in my eyes. Him looking up though because I'm so tall. He tries to pull his arm away from my grasp but there's no advil. I shove him out the way and growl at him. He eventually turns to leave but not before he pushes past me once more and lands one more hit in the poor boy sitting on the ground. I pull him off and he falls to the ground. I am now standing over the top of him. I didn't want to punch him because of what Evan had said, but I can't get the image of the new kids face out of my head. His bruised eye, bloody nose and scruffy hair. I felt bad, I should have kept and eye on him. This rush of anger washed over me and before I knew it I had hit Ryan in one clean sweep. I stopped there, I could have done a few more but I didn't want the man behind me to be scared. Why do I care so much for him? I hardly know the boy, not even his name. But for some unknown reason I care a great amount for the small, glasses wearing man. Ryan scrambled to his feet and rushes out the bathroom door.
I turn to look at the boy only to see him crying. Did I do something wrong? He wasn't crying before? I see his glasses lying on the floor next to me, so I pick them up, lift up his chin and put them on his face. "Hey man, are you alright?" I look into his beautiful brown eyes. "Yea, I'm fine." He tries to stand but fails. I hear him wince. "Where does it hurt?" I ask. He points to his side. "Did he kick you?" He nods a response. I lift up his shirt without thinking but it didn't seem to bother him. There was a massive bruise on the skin of his ribs. "I think you may have broken a rib." I say calmly not wanting to freak him out. "Yea, that would explain the pain." He replies. Oh my shit. His voice is amazing. It's deep but not too deep. And his accent is beautiful, just like the rest of him. "Hey why were you crying before?" I ask hoping I'm not intruding. "Did I do something wrong because you weren't crying before?" "Oh, hah sorry. It's just that..." he stops talking to think about how to put it. "Well apart from Jonathan and Evan you the only nice person to me. You came in and stopped instead of the other people who just watched then left. Just thank you." I look at him with my biggest smile, one that's not seen by anyone. Warm and loving. He pulls me into a hug and I hug bag but he winces so I pull away. "Oh yea shit, I should probably take you to the nurse." I pull him up and wrap his arm around my shoulder. He's not tall but not as short as Jon. About the same height as Evan so about 6.2. We waddle our way to the nurses office and I put him on one of the bed. "Hi Brock, are you here?" I yell into thin air. I hear steps approaching and Brock comes around the corner. "So what to we have here?" Brock asks examining the new boy. Oh yea I don't know his name. "Oh yea, what you name?" I ask turning around. "Craig." He says. Craig? The name suits him. "Yours?" He asks "Tyler." I reply and he looks like he's blushing but I wouldn't think so. Brock walks back in asks to have a look. I give him a glare not really wanting him touching Craig. Brock lifts up Craig's shirt to have a look at his ribs. "The bruise has gotten bigger." I say having a closer look at it. "Hey Tyler can you please leaves for a sec while I look Craig?" I nod as I leave the room. I hear them chatting them about 10 minuets later I was allowed to come back in. "Is he ok?" I ask worriedly. "Yea he's fine just a broken rib and-" " He was interrupted by Craig. "I'm fine Tyler don't worry." I look at him with worry. "Ok, well what to you have next?" I ask right on cue the bell rings. "Gym." He said. "Oh same, I'll come with you." I look back at where Brock had put bandages. He pulled his shirt and jumper down then stands up. We go back to the cafeteria to grab my bag then we headed to gym. I hope he's ok.

A/N this longer than usual I hope they're this long it just depends again on how I feel. This chapter is dedicated to WritesAStory and yiingyann  because fuck writers choice and for the help.
Word count 1286

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