Chapter five

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Craig's POV
I have never really been good at gym, now I'm all battered and bruised. My ribs hurt and I'm struggling to walk. I would tell Tyler but I don't want to bother him. I was early so I walked up to the teacher and told him my name and said I was new. "Well son, you look like shit, what happened to you." He said to me. I didn't know if what he said was rude or not and I didn't know how to reply either. "Oh I w-was beat u-up th-this morning." Damn my stutter, why do I have to be so shy? "Oh well newbie, go and get changed!" He yelled at me. I felt stupid, I was nervous, nothing seemed to go my way today. I want to thank Tyler again for saving me. I'm glad that nice man Brock told Tyler to leave. I didn't want him seeing my cuts, I'm surprised he didn't see them while looking at my bruise. I walk into the changing rooms and see Tyler. He's nice and very beautiful. I have to stop thinking like this. I think I'm gay, or at least bi, but even if I had a slight crush on Tyler her would never like me back. He turns to look at me and smiles. I smile back with a slight blush in my cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye I see him take off his shirt. HOLY SHIT. This man is toned. He was tan and had a perfect six pack. I could see his V line as his shorts were so low. I didn't really want to take off my shirt. I wasn't over weight, to be quite honest I did have a six pack but not too defined. My rugby figure also made me buff in my arms and sorta strong. I still didn't like gym though. I decided to get it over with and pull off my shirt. I saw Tyler looking, I was very shy with my body but I had a rush of confidence so I decide to look at him. "Take it picture, it will last longer." I said with a sly grin. I see him blush. "I'll see you in the gym." I hear him mumble as he walks away towards the gym. I snicker to myself then follow him in.
I make my way in then all the confidence I had before was gone, there were heaps of people in here. "Hey Craig, over here." Tyler yells for the other side causing me to walk through everyone to get there. "What does Tyler want with the new kid." "He probably wants to get into Tyler's pants." "Is like to see how Kelly acts about this." "Well if Kelly and him break up it's not like he wouldn't be single, everyone in the school wants to get i his pants." "I bet he would choose anyone before this faggot." Everyone was whispering around me as if I couldn't hear them. That last one got me though, it reminded me of my father. I hate that word. Faggot.

Flash back

I got home one day to hear my mother and father fighting again. I heard my mother screaming, she sounded terrified for her life. I run in and my father pushes me away. "GET AWAY FROM HER." I yell at him. Me and my mother had always been close, she loved me, even though I was bi. But that was my fathers excuse to hate me. "Shut up bitch." He shoves me to the ground. I hit my head on the counter top so hard I pass out. All I hear before I black out was scream of my mother and her crying by my side. I woke up a few hours later and she said that we were moving. Quiet frankly I was happy for the first time in ages. I had stopped cutting for a while but coming to a new school is a lot of stress on me. Me and my mum had packed everything up and we were making our way out but I was pulled back by my so call 'father'. "What?" I snark at him. "I'll never forget the problems you cause me, faggot." The words hit me hard. Just as hard as the punch he threw and me after. My mum pulled me into the car and flipped him off, she took off her wedding ring and was about to throw it out the window but I stopped her. "Craig, I hate him, he hurt me but you mainly. I don't want you to tell me to put it back on because I'll regret it later. That's already happened so let me do this." She started to cry. I give her a hug and whisper to her. "How much do you think it costs?" She giggles. "A lot I imagine." " we'll sell it." I say as we drive off.

End of flash back

I come back to Tyler trying to get my attention. He seems to be crying. I can't breath. I'm crying. I start to panic. "I'm having a panic attack." I whisper to him hoping he's heard me. "Water. I need water." "Oh shit." He rushes up to grab something. He comes back with his water bottle. "I don't care Craig just lip it." He read my mind. I take slow sips. I realised I've been dragged out of the gym and into the locker room. Tyler was sitting next to me on the bench rubbing my back whispering things in my ear like "deep breaths" or "it's ok". I soon calm down and look at Tyler, he was crying. I turn to face him. "Why are you crying?" He gives me a weird look. "WHY AM I CRYING? CRAIG YOU PASSED OUT YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." He yelled at me. He was right. He calmed down. "Are you ok?" He asks worried. "I'll be fine." He smiles at me then engulfs me with a hug. "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm fine". "Good, I'm still taking you to Brock, you need sleep or at least be checked up." "Twice in one day? Oh god, Brock will hate me." I felt bad. He started to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" I ask madly. "Brock doesn't have a bad bone in his body. The chances of him hating you is zero to none. The only thing that will piss him off is if you push his buttons or make fun of him for being gay." Oh he's gay? "Oh ok." He walks away, which is where I'm assuming the nurses office is, I couldn't remember where it was from this morning.
I take a seat once again and Brock looks at me with a concerned look with slight disappointment. "What happened this time Craig, I only saw you this morning." Tyler yells at Brock probably annoyed at the situation. "He passed out. Scared the shit outta me then had a panic attack." Brock laughed. "I'm going to ignore him, you should to. Are you ok though? By the looks of it something or someone caused it." Tyler looked really worried. He probably thinks it was his fault. "It's not you fault Tyler." He looked surprised as I answered his question even though he hadn't asked if yet. "No I just had a bad flashback of my father, it was caused because people were whispering and someone called me a..." I had stopped not really wanting to cry in front of Tyler again. "A-a faggot." Brock gasps and Tyler gives me a sympathetic smile. He comes to sit next to me on the bed and wraps an arm around me. He them lays his head on my shoulder. We don't say anything it's just nice to be in his company. I look at Brock and he smiles. "I'll leave you two alone." He then walks out the room. "I won't ask about your past, I'll wait for you to tell me when you ready." He smiles at me which suits him. I smile back. I think I may like this tall, blue eyed man. "I'll tell you soon enough." I smile at him. We lay down next to each other and I fall asleep with my head on Tyler's chest listening to the sound of his heart beat.

A/N I wrote this and it really long. I'm doing better at making them longer which I'm happy about. I hope your enjoying it. Please vote and comment.
Word count 1459
Tell me what I can work on or what things I may need to add.

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