Chapter Six

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Tylers POV

I made my way to the gym and I saw Craig waking in. I followed him in but he wasn't getting changed. I was going to ask but I thought that it would be an invasion on space. I take off my shirt and I see Craig looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I'm very toned and have an impressive six pack. I wonder what Craig looks like without his shirt on. I started staring at him and I guess he noticed because in that time, he had taken off his shirt. He has buff arms and a visible six pack as well. Damb he's good looking. "Take a picture, it will last longer." I hear him say. Shit. He caught me staring. "I'll meet you in the gym." I say walking past him as quickly as possible. He saw me blushing. Shhiiitttt. What am I going to do? Craig starts making his way in. He seems scared, probably all the people. "Craig, over here." I yell to him. He starts to walk towards me, I heard people whispering but they're probably talking to to each other. Craig seemed to get really pale, but before I knew it he was on the ground completely passed out. "CRAIG." I yell, everyone around us looking but isn't doing anything. "ARE YOU GUYS JUST GOING TO STAND THERE AND DO JACK SHIT OR HELP?" I look at them and help. I sigh loudly and pick him up bridal style and carry him to the locker room. I set him down on a bench. I heard him mumbling something. "No. Don't touch her." Apart from that everything he was saying was incoherent. What's happening to him. "Craig." I try and shake him awake. "Craig." I say a bit louder. "CRAIG." I practically yell. His eyes slowly start to open. His breathing picks up, a bit too fast to be honest. Is eyes were now wide open and his breathing was face paced. "I-I'm h-hav-ving a p-panic a-attack." He stutters out. Well what the hell do I do? Oh shit, shit, shit. No no this can't be happening. Now I'm panicking which won't help Craig. I start crying for some unknown reason. Craig is in pain once again and its all my fault. "Water. I need water." He whispers, barely audible. "Oh shit." I run and to grab my water bottle from my locker, I hand it to him and he just stares at it. "Craig, just lip it I don't care." He takes a huge drink and it seems to calm him down a lot. His breathing is still unsteady. I put my hand on his back and start whispering things like "deep breaths" and "keep calm" to him. I know it sounds weird but from my eyes it seems to be helping. Once he calms down completely I make my decision and take him back to Brock. "Why are you crying?" He asks me. I forgot I was crying. It made me mad that he passed out in front of me and has a panic attack and still has the audacity to ask why I was crying. "WHY AM I CRYING? CRAIG YOU PASSED OUT YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." I yell. His question pissed me off more. I saw the sad look in his eyes. "Are you ok?" I ask my tone soft and worried. "I'll be ok." He replies, "Are you sure?" "Yea I'm fine." "Good because I'm still taking you to Brock."
We make our way to Brock and I tell Brock what happened. I was genuinely worried that I caused what happened to him. It seemed to have shown on my face. "Tyler, this isn't your fault." God he reads me like a book. "It seems by the look of it something or someone caused this." Brock says to him. I zone out, thinking of all the things that could have happened if I didn't do something or if what I did was wrong. I zone in just in time. "Faggot." Craig stutters out. Some BITCH called Craig that? He's crying so I go sit next to him. I wrap my arm around him and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'll leave you two alone." Brock says as he walks out the door. I pull Craig down so his head is on my chest and we are laid down. I can hear him listening to my heart beat. I really like this man in front of me.

Time skip - end of school -

I wake up to hear the school bell ring. "Shit." I mumble. I look at my watch to see that was the bell for the end of school. I look down at Craig and smile. I shake him awake. "Craig, get up, it's the end of school." His eyes widen and he sits up. "Oh my god Tyler I'm sorry." "Sorry for what?" I ask. "For being such a pain. I made you miss gym." "Oh Craig don't worry about that. Just are you ok?" I ask for the hundredth time in the past 2 hours. "Tyler I'm fine. Please don't worry." "Ok. Let's go." We walk out and I see Kelly waiting for me. "OH TYLER. WERE WHERE YOU?" She practically screams in my ear. "I was-." I looked at Craig and he shook his head at me and looked worried. "I had a really bad headache so I went to the nurse." I guess Craig can see her jealousy as well. "Oh my poor baby." I fake a flinch and she backs away. "Oh sorry love. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" She says quieter. "Ok see you tomorrow. I turn around too quickly before she can kiss me. Me and Craig walk away. "Craig." He looks at me. "Yea?" " how are you getting home?" "Oh I usually take the bus but I seemed to have missed it so I'll walk." Oh that's my fault. "Oh sorry that was my fault. Well I'll drive you home then." I say smiling at him. "Are you sure. I don't want you going out of your way to take me home." He sounded worried. God this man will be the death of me. By this time we were standing in front of my car. I open the door for him. "Get in the god damb car Craig." He giggles and hops in. "Thanks Tyler."
After I drove Craig home I was in the happiest mood I think I've ever been in. I check my phone and see I have a text from Evan.
E - Hey wanna come over?
T - Sure be there in 30.
E - ok see you then.
I made my way to Evans house and walked in. I'm very welcome. "HEY." Evan yells from behind me. Scaring the shit outta me. "WHAT THE HELL EVAN." "I wanted to talk to you about something." "Why couldn't you have told me over the phone?" I ask confused. "It's really serious." "Oh ok go tell me." I wonder what he wants to tell me. I hope he's ok. "Ok. So." He starts. "First of. I'm gay." I'm happy for him telling me. Now I can talk to him about Craig. "And I'm in love with Jonathan." JON? Oh I'm happy. Evan looks scared. Oh yea I should probably say something. "Evan I'm so happy for you." I say smiling. "Oh and one more thing." He says with a sly grin. What's he up to? "I know you like Craig." He WHAT? Now I'm blushing like crazy. "Ok you may be right. But what am I going to do about Kelly?" I'm stressed about this whole ordeal. "Well I have a plan just for that."

Ok i know that the beginning of this is the same as the last chapter but from Tyler's POV but I tried to make it good. Please vote and comment and tell me things I can work on or what I should add and shtuff like that. ALSO sorry for this WHOLE DAY being 6 chapters I just didn't want each chapter to be a gat Damb novel. Thanks for reading.
Word count 1379

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