Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: i wanna do Tyler's POV again so i hope that's ok.

Tyler's POV:

I jolt awake, cracking my neck in the process. 'Fuck'. I clearly say that too loudly as the whole room turns to look at me. 'What? I just clicked my neck.' everyone went back to watching the movie that was apparently still going. How long was i out for? i turn to face Craig sitting next to me and memories from my dream were flashing through my head. luckily Craig was still staring at the tv, i peered down to my crotch to see my raging boner.

How in the actual fuck did i not notice this as soon as i woke up?

'Hey Tyler, you good over there. You look frightened, i know the movie is scary but even i don't think it's that bad.' Craig looks over to me while i look up at him. 'Movie?' 'Yea? the one we've been watching for like an hour now. Was your sleep that deep that you don't remember us changing the movie?' he chuckles slightly at the end of his sentence. 'Yea i guess.'

i have to get out of this room. out of this room with Craig's sexy voice and beautiful smile. God. everything about this man is a turn on to me.

'i-i need to go to the toilet.' i say to the room not really expecting a response. 'kay, but i need to go to so let's go up together.' Craig looks up at me standing, and begins to stand up himself. well fuck. how am i going to hide this.

we make our way upstairs, my boner going unnoticed so far.

we get to the top of the stairs and we are standing in front of the bathroom door while Craig insists on me going first.

'No Craig, it's fine just go.' 'You were the one that wanted to go in the first place.' 'I'm being polite here Craig, hurry the fuck up.' 'Tyler just go.' He looks at me sternly this time. 'Craig...' he nods at me 'go to the fucking toilet.' my voice low. lower than i had intended it to be. Craig shuddered a bit then walked past me into the bathroom. 'But when you're in here i'm going to wait until you're done till i leave. i'll wait for you.'Craig yells to me from the other side of the door. 'Craig just go pee already.'

now that wasn't supposed to happen. how am i going to jack off to him while he is standing on the other side of the door? Maybe i should text Evan to see if he can distract Craig, or at leas make him go down stairs for a bit. no no no that won't work. Evan will either want to know or want something in return. most likely both, maybe more.

i reach into my pocket to pull out my phone to have a go anyways but realise that i had left it downstairs next to where i had been sitting. i can't risk going downstairs and getting it because my dick is starting to hurt and there is a possibility that someone will see it or Craig will come out of the toilet while i'm downstairs and he will want to question me and will probably end up finding the truth.

my best bet is to wait for him to come out of the bathroom.

He steps out after doing his business, now it's my turn to go in. 'Craig just go downstairs, i need to take a massive shit and i don't want you waiting that long.' Go on Tyler, making excuses is like a profession.

'EWW TYLER I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT.' Craig yells as he runs down the stairs. I let a small chuckle pass my lips as i step into the bathroom.

on the toilet seat there was a bag, and stuck to said bag was a note. the note read...

'Dear Tyler, i noticed the 'problem' you had so i took the opportunity to ask Evan for a a favour and a guide to where i can find a few things in this bathroom. If you look it the bag that this note was stuck to you'll find more than enough things that me be of use to you.

your beloved


p.s. don't make too much noise, but i did tell the boys that you were, as you called it, talking a massive shit, so they won't question where you've been if you take too long.

That motherfucker. My cheeks (face cheeks) blushed red from the note and hands shaking a bit from how he managed to find out.

i took a peak inside the bag and saw many many things.

A huge dildo, Lube, a vibrator, a gag - WHY THE FUCK DOES EVAN HAVE A GAG- and a gay porn magazine.

stunned by all of the stuff i forgot my main purpose of being here. i look down to my crotch to see my bulge getting bigger by the second. i've got to do something. i think to myself. maybe using these things won't be so bad.

I take the dildo out of the bag and hold it in my hand. This thing is fucking- nope nope nope. ok i can't pussy out now.




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