chapter 1

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rick kicked open the door as him and t-dog killed the two walkers that are right at the entrance.

"you two stay together" rick said pointing in between carl and i. we both nodded and went to go clear the rest of the house. we went through the kitchen but found nothing.

we then made our way to a door and carol put his hand on it and started to count to three with his fingers.

once he reached three, he pushed open the door, i jumped in with my bow ready, and killed the only walker there was. i turned around, we gave eachother a grin, and then proceeded to go find our dad's.

we found rick first so we stayed with him.

as carl and i were looking through the cabinets, the rest of our group came in. a few minutes later, dad came down with a dead owl. "rae" he said before throwing it at me. i caught it, then i got the memo, and started plucking the bird so we could eat it.

i stayed next to dad and let carl handle himself. usually we stay with eachother, but i knew he would be ok since rick is close to him.

this entire winter i've spent getting closer to carl. he's basically my other half. ricks trust in me has also grown. and i'm still my dad's sidekick.

but it's been hard. traveling constantly because we can't find a safe and secure place to stay. with lori being pregnant, we're even more at risk.

but we've stayed together. we protect each other.

we are family now.

carl came back in a few minutes later and started opening a can of dog food. i ignored him and continued to pluck the owl.

once rick came back in, he noticed that carl was opening dog food. he picked it up and threw it into the fire place. i flinched and looked up at him.

"here, you gut it" i whispered handing the owl back to dad.

t dog then noticed that there was walkers outside, so we all quickly left. dad and i lead the group outside with rick in the very back.

we got to our vehicles and dad and i hopped on his motorcycle while everyone crammed into the cars.

dad and i looked back at everyone, before zooming off. we aren't leaving them, we just need to get a heads up on everything.

we continued down a road until we found a spot that had no walkers in sight.

"we have no place left to go" t-dog said pulling out the map and looking at it. it was me, dad, rick, t-dog, maggie, hershel, and glenn looking at the map.

"we'll never make it south" maggie said. that was the truth. "what do you say, there's 150 ahead?" dad asked. i looked up at him. "that was last week. it could be twice as that now. i wouldn't risk it" i said looking at the rest of the group.

"the river could've stopped them. if we move fast we might have a shot to tear right through there" hershel suggested.

i still don't think it's worth the risk. not with lori being pregnant. we decided on a plan and we all scattered out.

like usual, i stuck with dad.

"hey, while the others are washing their panties, you wanna go hunting with me and rae?" dad asked rick. he didn't have to ask me. hunting is in my blood. i would drop anything to go do it. "the owl didn't exactly hit the spot" i admitted.

we went into the woods and walked down an old wooden train track. "that's a shame" i said when i saw the prison over runned by walkers. "yeah" dad muttered along side of me. rick just looked at it. he was clearly thinking about something.

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