chapter 13

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carl and i packed up our bunk in silence.

we were going to take our chances on the road.

him and i weren't happy with it, we like this place.

i collected all of my stuff and put it in the same duffel bag as carl. i zipped up the duffle bag with a frown as he put on his hat. he offered to carry it out and we walked out along side of michonne.

when going to the car, rick tried to stop carl but carl angrily stormed off. i parted ways with him and went over to dad. "got everything?" he asked quietly. i nodded and looked down at the ground.

"here, i ain't letting ya get cold" dad said handing me his poncho. "thanks" i whispered. i wrapped it around my shoulders and then gave my dad my hand to help him off the ground. when he stood up he gave me a hug. "i love ya" he said quietly. "i love you too" i said burying my face into his chest.

but something clicked inside rick. he decided that we're going to fight for this place. i don't know what got into him, but he just changed his mind. we then set out a plan.

we watched as the governor and his people came crashing into the prison. we waited. we needed to wait until the perfect time to attack. and that would be when the prison alarms start blaring.

dad and i just took side watch on the side of the road along with rick. honestly, maggie and glenn were basically doing all the work.

once the governor and his people left, we all met back at the outside part of the prison that leads to our cell block. we decided that we were going to attack woodbury to end all of this.

later we met back out at the normal spot. we got all of our supplies ready in the cars just incase. dad and i were ready on the motorcycle. but before leaving, rick went over to talk to carl who just killed someone for the first time.

when leaving, dad and i led out. he wanted me to stay but i needed to go. otherwise it would just be him, rick, and michonne going. they need me there too.

we got stopped a little ways down the road by walkers and army trucks. the governors people. "stay put" dad said to me as he got off the bike. i nodded and got my bow ready just incase.

there was a woman. she told us what happened. the governor went haywire and killed everyone who was with him.

but we stuck to our original plan. once night time was among us, we made our way to woodbury. i stayed close to dad to give him a little bit of comfort. comfort of knowing i would be safe. right as we made it close, gun shots stared going off. instead of using my bow, i grabbed hold of the shotgun i was carrying and started shooting. i then crouched down behind a car for safety.

the woman with us named karren stopped all the shooting by introducing herself to the people shooting. she told them that we saved her. "we're coming out!" rick yelled. he then turned to me. i shook my head no. "we're coming out" he repeated.

he stepped out first with his hands raised. then michonne, dad, and i did the same. i stayed close to dad as we started walking closer to the gate. tyreese and sasha came out as the gate opened.

after tyreese and sasha realized that the governor is pure evil, they let us go in. we also wanted to find andrea while we were at it. apparently she tried making it back to us but she never did. we wanted to check where the governor held glenn and maggie to see if they were there.

once we made it there, there was blood coming from under the door. michonne asked rick to open it. dad and i stood behind with our guns raised. andrea was at the doorway.

"i tried to stop them" she said revealing her bite. i sighed and scooted closed to dad. he noticed and put his hand on my back. andrea started saying her goodbyes and it was very emotional for everyone.

especially michonne.

and then andrea decided that she wanted to end it herself. she wanted to shoot herself before she became a walker. "please" she asked in desperation.

she then looked up at me. "i know how the safety works" she said. i gave her a sad smile. rick then handed over his pistol.

"i'm not going anywhere" michonne said. andrea then looked between dad, rick, and i. "i tried" she said sadly. "you did. you did" rick said getting up. him, dad, and i then left. when waiting outside, dad knelt down on one knee. i stood beside him with my hand on his shoulder, and he was holding my hand.

when the gunshot went off inside the room andrea was in, i flinched and dad grabbed my hand tighter. i then took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

the next day one morning approached, dad and i lead the way back home. behind us was of course rick and michonne. but also we had a school bus full of the innocent members of woodbury. we were going to take them in.

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