chapter 6

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after walking outside along with rick, carl, hershel, and beth, rick stopped in his tracks.

"reagan" he said starting to walk off. i followed him. we walked to the bottom of the courtyard and stood along the fence. there was a person on the other side. well, i'm pretty sure they're alive. it's just slightly confusing because the walkers aren't being attracted to her.

i took my bow off my back and raised it with an arrow ready. carl ran down over to the entrance of the prison just incase his dad wanted him to open the gates. the woman grabbed onto her leg in pain, it was bleeding out. that's when the walkers caught onto her.

she got out her sword and killed the first walker coming to her. "should we help her?" i asked rick. he looked back at me and then started walking off. i kept watching the woman along with carl. she was struggling. i looked over at carl. that's when she passed out onto the ground with walkers coming after her in every direction.

carl started shooting at the walkers. "carl!" i said running towards the entrance of the gates. he nodded and threw me the keys. i opened the gate up and ran out. i killed all the walkers one by one with carl backing me as rick started running towards me.

rick seemed angry at me but he helped me kill the walkers. hershel and beth came down also.

as i continued to shoot walkers, carl ran over and picked up a red shopping basket. i burrowed my eye brows together then killed the last remaining walker. quickly, i went around to all the walkers i shot and pulled my arrows out of their head.

i then ran over to help rick check the woman. he looked at me with angry eyes. "i had to" i simply said.

rick slung the woman over his shoulder and we all quickly made our way back up to the cell block.

rick sent carl and beth to go get things. he knew hershel might need my assistance so he didn't send me off. carl layed the blanket down and rick sat the woman on it. beth handed rick the water and towel as the woman woke up.

she was panicking and rick was trying to calm her down to the best of his abilities. she reached for her sword and i kicked it out of the way.

"rick!" i heard my dad's voice coming from our cell block. my head immediately sprung towards him. thank god he's ok. he's been gone for a while.

"who the hell is this?" dad asked referring to the woman. "you wanna tell us your name?" rick asked the woman. she stayed silent. "y'all come on in here" dad said. "everything alright?" i immediately asked. "y'all are gonna want to see this" dad said.

we grabbed our stuff, and the woman's sword, and made our way into the cell block. dad locked the cell door behind him. he lead us into a cell and laying on the bed was carol. my mouth dropped. she's alive.

rick went over and hugged her. "thank god" he kept on saying over and over. then hershel hugged her. i then went over to her and hugged her. "hey reagan" she said chuckling a little. i hugged her a little tighter.

then when i let go, that's when she noticed beth and the baby. she realized that there was no lori around and the light bulb hit her. she turned around to rick who nodded his head and she started crying. beth then handed off the baby to carol and carol held her.

after our small reunion, rick, dad, hershel, and i went back to where we had the woman. "we can tend to that wound for you. give you some food and water, then send you on your way. but you're gonna have to tell us how to found us and why you were carrying baby formula" rick said approaching the woman.

"the supplies was dropped by a young asian guy and a pretty girl" she said. i immediately looked at hershel. she's talking about glenn and maggie.

she didn't give us straight up information, so rick went over and put pressure on her gunshot wound. she sprung up and lashed out on rick. dad and i raised our bows at her. "you better start talkin' or you're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound" i warned.

the woman looked over at me in disbelief, probably because i'm so young, but i just kept a poker face on.

she then looked between dad's and i's bows and realize that we would shoot her without hesitation. "find em yourself" she said. that's when i got pissed off. rick noticed and came over to me.

"sh sh sh, put it down" he said putting his hand on my bow to lower it. dad lowered his when rick did that. honest to god, i would've shot her right then and there if rick didn't stop me. and he knew i would've.

she then informed us of this town called woodbury. she thinks glenn and maggie were taken there. she said it has about 75 people and the leader calls himself the governor. it's gonna be a tough call, but she says we might be able to skip our way through.

hershel stitched the woman up as i kept watch over her with my bow ready at my side. she kept eye contact with me throughout the entire time hershel was giving her stitches. "thank you" she said to hershel as he finished.

we went back to the cell block and joined the meeting. we were discussing if this is the best idea. "this is maggie and glenn, we have to go" i said out of disbelief. i can't believe they're even debating on it.

"i'll go get em" dad offered. everyone then started offering to go. "i'll go" i said lastly. "no you ain't. i ain't gonna let ya risk your life" dad said as everyone walked off. "dad, i can help" i said arguing with him. "nah. i ain't lettin' ya go. stay 'ere with carl. plus if things go to shit, they're gonna need someone here who knows what they're going" dad said. i sighed. "fine" i muttered. he put his hand on my shoulder and then went off to go find rick.

i helped dad load up the car with the others. they were going to use smoke bombs to try to sneak their way in. "dad" i said motioning my head towards the left. i started walking off and he followed. "please be careful" i said with a hint of sadness. "hey, i'll be alright. i'll be back before ya know it." he said bending down to my heigh. i nodded and then hugged him. he hugged me with a kiss on the top of my head and then walked off.

that's when rick came over to me. "hey reagan, can i talk to you real quick?" he asked as he approached me. i nodded.

"if anything happens, i need you to keep everyone safe. i trust you. you lead this group to safety if we don't come back, ok?" rick said putting his hands on my shoulders. "ok" i said nodding. he then walked off.

it makes since why he trusts me. besides carl, he's known me the longest. and we've went through shit together.

dad looked back at me one more time and nodded before he got in the car. i knew he would come back as soon as he could to be with me.

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