chapter 7

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the rest of the day was....quiet.

both carl and i were worried about our dad's. and speaking of carl, he named his baby sister. her name is judith. it suits her.

but anyways, it's night time now. carl and i are sitting on the steps in the cell block refilling our clips.

"finally got judith to go to sleep" hershel said walking over towards us on his crutches along with beth. "how are we on formula?" carl asked. "we have enough to last us about another month" hershel said. carl nodded. "i'll go for some more at the end of the week. carol can come with me" i said putting my magazine back in my gun. "your dad and the others will be back by then" beth said softly. "we don't know that" i whispered.

honestly, i am worried about this. i'm worried about them not coming back. this is risky.

that's when i heard screaming from a distance. in a split second i was up on my feet with my bow ready. carl was right behind me with the keys to the cell. he unlocked the gate and we both ran through.

"no carl, stay here" i said. "i'm not leaving you, we need to stay together" he said locking the gate behind him.

we went down to the halls. we were side by side as carl held up a flashlight. walking at the same pace, we made our way down the hallway towards the screaming. we made it to the boiler room right as something grabbed my shoulder. it was a walker.

carl lifted up his pistol that had a silencer on it and shot the walker. "thanks" i whispered.

we then made our way into the room where the screaming was coming from. there, was a group of people fighting off walkers. carl and i looked at eachother and nodded in sync.

i shot the first walker that was attacking a woman and she looked at me in shock. and then carl killed the other two walkers there was. "come on!" carl yelled as more walkers were approaching. i ran over and grabbed my arrow. they stood there in shock. "we ain't got all day" i said starting to jog off along with carl. they followed us.

carl and i led the group up to the area that is outside of our cell. they lied the woman who was bit down on the ground. she was dead. and she can turn at any moment.

"i'll take care of it" carl said cocking his gun and pointing it at the woman. "woah kid, wait a minute." the buffy black man said stopping carl. "she ain't got that long" i said backing up carl. "who the hell are you? how did you get in? who are you with?" the woman in the back questioned. "look, we-" carl started.

i cut him off. "it don't matter. what matters is ending this before it becomes a threat" i said. "we take care of our own" the buffy black man said again.

carl put down his gun. right as the man lifted up a hammer to completely end the woman, i grabbed carl's arm and carl and i ran back into the cell block and he locked it behind us. "hey, what are you doing?" the woman from earlier asked running over towards us.

beth and hershel came into view. "did you kids just lock us in here?" the woman asked out of disbelief. "open the door" she added. "this room is secure. you'll be safe. you have food and water" carl said.

the woman started walking over to the gate and put her hands on it. "open this door" she said clearly angry. "you best step away before i send an arrow into your head" i said getting closer to her. carl grabbed my arm and pulled me back closer to him.

"i can't open the door" carl said calmly. my temper wasn't helping the situation so he was trying to get it calmed down again.

the woman then started getting mad and banging on the gate. beth and carl stepped back as i raised my bow and pulled back the arrow. "sasha!" the buffy black man said pulling the woman who i now know who's name is sasha back. he knew i ain't playing.

the buffy black man then calmed sasha down. "we don't want any trouble" he then said to me calmly. i lowered my bow but still kept an eye on them. "shouldn't we help them?" beth asked as they walked off. "we did" carl answered.

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