chapter 2

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"who the hell are you" dad yelled.

dad and i started walking closer to the people with our bows ready. "who the hell are you" one said in return. "come out, slow and steady" dad said.

they started walking out. the hawaiian looking guy started smirking at me. i lifted my bow to where if i shot it, it would go straight through his head.

"what happened here" the big black man asked. "he got bit" my dad said. The hawaiian guy pulled out a gun and aimed it at hershel. t-dog pulled out his gun and aimed it at him.

"no ones gotta get hurt" i said.

rick and glenn lifted hershel onto a table that had wheels. "don't open that" one of the prisoners said. "we got this" t-dog said. he killed the only walker that was banging on the door.

"reagan! daryl! let's go!" rick said to dad and i as we backed up slowly then ran to join the rest of the group. we rushed hershel back to our cell.

"rae, stay with me" dad said right as i started walking into the cell block. we had the prisoners behind us. we got our bows ready and aimed at the door that they would be walking through.

eventually walked through. "that's far enough"dad said. the hawaiian guy kept on looking at me. "cell clock c, that's ours" he said biting his lip.

"congratulations fellas, you've been pardoned by the state of georgia" i said. the hawaiian guy just continued to look at me.

" quit looking at my daughter like that before I beat the hell out of you" dad said very angrily. "not if I kill him first" I muttered.

"come on, let's get going" red head said. "shut up" the hawaiian said. t-dog ame in with a gun. the prisoners then started fighting with t-dog and dad. i just stayed quiet but I kept my bow ready to shoot. then rick came in.

"how many of you is in there" hawaiian asked. "too many for you to handle" i said.

we had to break it to the prisoners that their family's were probably dead. when rick was explaining it to them, dad put down his crossbow. i kept my bow up. "reagan" rick said. i put my bow down. but i still had an arrow ready. i don't trust these guys.

"i don't believe it" the hawaiian said. "go see for yourself" i said. we then walked them out side.

"dang, they're all dead" the big black guy said.  he poked one with a bar. "is it like a disease or something" one of them asked. "yeah, and we're all infected" rick said. "what do you mean" the red head asked.

"if i was to shoot an arrow through your chest and kill you, you'd come back as one of those" dad said.

"well, where are you going to go?" the hawaiian guy asked walking towards us. dad put his had on me and pulled me behind him. the guy noticed. "for now, no where" rick said.

so then they finally made a compromise and they showed us the cafeteria. "you call this a little" dad said. "goes by quick" one of the guys said. i scoffed.

rick and t-dog brought the food back to the cell. dad and i kept an eye on the prisoners. we started dealing out weapons to the prisoners.

"why do i need this when i got this" the hawaiian said talking about his gun and crowbar. "don't shoot unless you got to" i said. "noise attracts them, and it really wires them up" dad said.

"we will go in two by two" rick said. "reagan and daryl. me and t-dog. and then you guys pair up. don't get lost from the group or you can be mistaken as a walker" rick ordered.

so we went down to the halls of the prison. dad and i were in the front. the hawaiian guy was right behind us, so dad let me lead. i looked around the corner and didn't see anything. i motioned my hand to keep coming.

"it's too damn dark in here" one of them said. "you'll hear them before you see them" dad said. "let's go!" red head said loudly. we all shushed him. i kept on leading then i saw a walker shadow. i raised my hand in a fist to stop them.

dad started to countdown on his fingers. he wasn't finished counting down when they started yelling and charging. i looked up at Rick and sighed.

we continued to go on. we crossed one more walker. "it can't be the stomach or the heart. it has to be the brain" dad said. i then shot the walker with my bow. i went over to it and yanked the arrow out of its head. then a whole group of them started coming.

"rick, heads up" i said as i walked back over to my dad. we let the prisoners handle the first few, then we helped. "stay in a tight formation, no more prison riot crap" rick said.

then big tiny got scratched on his shoulder by a walker. we all gathered around him. "it's just a scratch. i feel fine" big tiny said. "i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do" rick said.

then the hawaiian guy hit him in the back of the head with a pic axe. he fell to the ground. then hawaiian started swinging at big tiny. i closed my eyes and turned my head. i can stand killing and watching walkers, but i can't watch killing and watching the living get killed.

dad and i let t-dog lead with me, dad, and rick in the back. "see that look on his face? he's thirsty to kill" i said only loud enough for dad and rick to hear. "give me a signal and i'll do it" dad said.

then hawaiian turned around and looked at me. he bit his lip and turned back around. "if he don't quit looking at me, i'll do it myself" i said.

we eventually made it to the washroom. there was a group of walkers outside. rick told hawaiian to open only one door. he ended up opening both.

dad and i stayed in the back. first, hawaiian guy almost slashed rick. he then pushed a walker on top of rick. i shot the walker, pulled it off of Rick, and then dad helped rick up.

we finished killing them. rick then killed the hawaiian . finally. the guy with the bat tried to swing at rick then ran off. "i got em" rick said running after the guy. then dad got his bow ready and aimed it at the other black guy. i aimed mine at the red.

t-dog was behind us in case we needed backup. "you know, for being so young, you are very intimidating" the red head said to me. "don't talk to my daughter" dad said sternly.

rick came back after a few minutes. t-dog aimed his gun at the red head and rick aimed his at the black guy. dad and i stood in the back. "daryl" rick said. dad ran over to the black guy and put a knife at his throat.

rick ran over to the red head and pointed the gun at him. it scared the living shit out of the guy. i just continued to stand in the back.

we let the two prisoners live. we gave them cell block d.

we went back to our cell block. dad and i stood at the door way of where hershel was. hershel finally opened his eyes.

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