chapter 4

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carl let go of the hug and nodded to signal me that he was alright. but i knew he wasn't.

dad went over to check on rick but he was unresponsive. he was in shock because of the entire situation.

the baby kept on crying, and carl offered to hold it to try to calm it down. maggie handed the baby over to carl. "let me see the baby" hershel called out. carl started walking towards his way.

"what we gonna feed it? we got anything a baby can eat?" dad asked giving up trying to communicate with rick. hershel checked up on the baby. he said that it's healthy but it needs formula otherwise it will die.

"nope. no way. not her. we ain't loosing nobody else. rae and i are going for a run" dad said slinging his bow onto his back. "i'll back you up" maggie offered. "i'll go too" glenn said backing up maggie. "ok. think of where we're going. beth" dad said signaling beth to go talk to him.

i followed as beth came along. "the kid just lost his mom. his dad ain't doin' so hot" dad said to beth. "i'll look out for him." beth said nodding her head.

"dad, it may be best for me to stay. carl's my bestfriend" i said looking at dad with worrisome eyes. "i know that but i need ya with me. it will be quicker and easier if i'm with ya" dad said. he was right. i nodded.

we hurried out as fast as we could. but with our plan, only dad's bike would be able to make it through. "rae and i will go" dad said getting the bike ready.

"will you know what to get?" maggie asked dad. "i raised reagan by myself. i know what to get" dad said looking at maggie then cranking the bike.

once it was cranked i hopped on the bike and we went off. we ended up off roading to check out a day care center.

"stay by my side, ya hear?" dad said once i got off the bike after he turned it off. i nodded and opened the gate to one of the houses. i kept my bow by my side as i slowly made my way towards the entrance of the building.

i first looked into the window and then broke the glass to get in. dad kept watch to make sure nothing was coming. i crawled through the window and into the house and dad followed me.

i looked around the house and then went to one of the cabinets. i opened it up and there was baby stuff all in it. formula, diapers, bottles, blankets. i took my book bag off, unzipped it, and started filling it up.

after i got all the stuff that could be used, dad lead us both down the hallway. he used a flashlight as i watched from behind us.

we heard a faint noise coming from inside one room. he nodded his head towards it and i entered the room slowly and quietly. the noise was coming from the closet.

i nudged my head towards the closet to signal dad to open it. he put his hand on the door nob as i lifted my bow. i nodded to signal to him i was ready. he opened the door and there was a possum. without hesitation i shot it.

"hello dinner" i said as dad picked up the possum, took the arrow out, and handed my arrow back to me.

i then opened up the cabinets above the sink. "jackpot" i said as i saw more baby formula. i then put it in my bag.

we made it back once night time approached. the two prisoners opened up the gate for us as we approached them.

we drove on in. we ran to the cell block as quickly as we could knowing the baby needed to be fed. as we entered the cell block, dad and i ran right towards carl and the baby.

dad took the baby from carl and tried to calm it down as i took out all the stuff i got and began preparing a bottle. once it was made, i handed the bottle to dad and he started feeding the baby.

dad looked at me and smiled once the baby stopped crying and started feeding out of the bottle.

"i'm havin' flashbacks rae" he said chuckling and looking at the baby. i smiled. "she gotta name yet?" dad asked carl. "no, not yet" carl responded looking at his baby sister.

carl then started listing the names he was considering for the baby. they were all names of the people we have lost. i frowned.

"yeah, you like that? huh? little ass kicker. right? that's a good name right?" dad said looking around at everyone and smiling. he seemed to really be enjoying himself. "little ass kicker. you like that, huh? you like that sweetheart?" dad said rocking the baby back and forth as he fed it. i smiled.

after holding the baby for a long time, dad handed it back off to carl. he then came over to me. he immediately wrapped his arms around me. he then kissed the top of my head. "i miss you being that small rae" dad said resting his head on the top of mine. i smiled and squeezed dad tighter.

early the next morning, dad woke me up because he wanted me to go somewhere with him.

i followed him out to where the graves are. he pulled a cherokee rose out of his pocket and layed it under the cross that was meant for carol. he looked at it for a few seconds and made sure that everything was perfect. he then came back to me, stood beside me, and held my hand. i then rested my head on his arm as we looked at the graves.

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