chapter 3

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we started to feel more comfortable with this place.

we decided to go back and bring our vehicles into the prison grounds. as they went out to go get the cars and motorcycle, i kept watch at the gates. you can never be too safe.

carl kept me company. we've been getting even closer ever since we started sharing a bunk. it's nice having a friend my own age.

after a while, our people came back with the vehicles. probably best we finally decided to bring them in.

"ok, let's get the car in. we'll park em in the west entry of the yard" rick said once dad, carol, and t-dog got out of the cars they were in. "good. our vehicles camped out there look like a giant vacancy sign" dad said coming over and resting his left arm on my shoulder.

"after that we need to load up these corpses so we can burn em" rick said pointing. "gonna be a long day" t-dog said sighing. "where's glenn and maggie? we could use the help" carol asked. "i can help" i offered. rick nodded. "they're up in the guard tower" dad said pointing.

oh god.

we all looked up towards it. "guard tower? they were just up there last night" rick said confused. then the lightbulb hit him.

"glenn! maggie!" i yelled cupping my hands at my mouth to make it come out louder. the door opened and out came a shirtless glenn buckling his pants. maggie was behind him barely dressed.

"hey! what's up guys?" he said trying to fix his pants. i lightly chuckled. rick did also. "you coming?" dad asked. "what?" glenn yelled back. this is great. we were all laughing at this point. "you comin'?" dad asked again. glenn looked back at maggie. "come on, we could use a hand" dad yelled. "yeah, we'll be right down" glenn said right as maggie came out finally dressed.

we chuckled again and turned around to start getting to work. carl headed back up towards the cell block.

"hey rick" t-dog called out stopping in his tracks. we all turned around and our faces dropped. the two prisoners were walking around outside. i sighed. none of us trust them yet.

rick walked past us to go talk to them. "come with me" he said to us. dad, t-dog, and i walked behind rick.

the prisoners tried talking rick out of the deal. they didn't want to live in the cell block anymore and they wanted to be one of us. rick turned around and looked at dad for some help. dad shook his head no.  he doesn't want these guys near our people.

dad and i walked them down to the exit gates. and dad locked them there. everyone was giving negative feedback on the situation. they don't think having them around is a good idea.

that's when dad stepped in. "i get guys like this. hell, i grew up with em. they're degenerates, but they ain't psychos. i could've been in there with them just as easy as i'm out here with you guys." dad said. "so your with me?" t-dog asked. he's ok with them being here.

"hell no. let me take their chances out on the road just like we did." dad said. "what i'm sayin daryl-" t-dog started. rick cut him off by telling us a story about someone he arrested.

the story proved that no matter what these guys make us believe, they can always turn the tables.

we all then walked off to start working. we got all the dead walkers but together in a pile to burn. i helped out. dad didn't really want me to but i did anyways.

rick then made a plan to have the cars ready if we ever need to leave this place. dad threw glenn the keys. also we are making the prisoners go on the road. our safety needs to come first.

dad and i walked over to merle's motorcycle. i stood to the side as he kick started it. axel then guessed what kinda bike it was. he clearly knows some things about bikes. "don't even look at it" dad said cranking it. he sat down once it was cranked and i sat down behind him.

axel then started throwing suggestions about the bike. we ignored him as dad drove away. i went along with dad, rick, and glenn to go check things outside of the gate.

dad suggested that we sound start going on runs soon. i agree. we're not going to live forever just sitting around doing nothing.

we went out to go get some fire wood. i held the gate that we cut open as the boys entered. "look" i said smiling up motioning my head. hershel was up and walking around with the help of crutches. we all stopped to look at hershel in amazement.

i then heard carl yell. i looked behind him and there was about a dozen walkers coming towards him, beth, hershel, and lori. "oh shit" i whispered taking my bow off my back and getting it ready. we all started running towards the scene. we all ran as fast as we could. "the lock!" rick yelled turning to look at us behind him. glenn threw dad the keys and dad threw them to rick.

rick eventually got it open and yelled at the prisoners to move so he could unlock the other gate.

i took a deep breath to calm myself down. if you don't stay calm then you die.

we eventually made it up to the top. we killed the remaining walkers. then an alarm started blaring. and this just makes everything so much better. "what's that?" i asked dad. dad looked around. that's when i saw walkers from outside of the prison getting attracted to the sound. "oh you gotta be kidding me!" dad yelled.

rick handed the keys to dad and shot the alarm system off along with glenn. as rick was yelling at the prisoners, dad and i had our bows raised up at them. we all then ran inside to try to figure out how to stop all this along with the prisoners. we went down into the electrical room.

i helped rick as dad and one of the prisoners pried their selfs up against the door to keep the walkers out. "how do you shut these down?" rick yelled. the prisoner left the door to help rick.

i ran over to dad as far as i could to help him keep the door shut. we used all of our strength to keep the walkers out. that's when rick started getting attacked. i looked back at him. "rae you gotta help me" dad muttered.

i nodded and kept on pushing against the door. "dad we gotta open it" i said as the walkers were starting to open the door. he nodded. he counted down to three with his fingers.

we then both stepped back as dad shot the first walker with his crossbow. i continued shooting the walkers with my bow as he stabbed them with a knife. he didn't have the time to keep on cocking his crossbow. i on the other hand have a normal bow, so it only takes me a few seconds to 'reload' and shoot.

there wasn't anymore walkers so dad and i quickly shut the door.

as dad and i approached rick, the prisoner that was supposedly on our side had a gun held up. i had my bow raised as dad got ready with his knife. he shot it at the prisoner from the other day then handed rick the gun. i trust this guy now.

rick then went over and turned off the backup generator. "let's go" rick said to us.
we went down the pitch black halls with flashlights.

i kept my bow by my side just incase. rick was leading with dad and i behind him. axel and glenn joined us. we turned around the corner of the hall to see two walkers feasting on something. rick shot them. it was the remains of t-dog. i immediately became sad.

dad went over and picked up carols head scarf from the ground. dad looked down at me and then threw the scarf down.

carol is his bestfriend. he's not going to take this well.

we ran back outside to go see if the others came back. they haven't.

we all ran towards hershel. rick started giving orders when we heard a baby cry. my head shot towards the sound. carl and maggie came out of the door holding a baby. maggie's hands were also bloody.

and there was no lori. oh no.

rick dropped the axe and walked over. maggie started crying. carl showed no emotion. rick started sobbing. he bent down to carl as he cried. he then fell to the ground sobbing. i slung my bow onto my back and ran over to carl.

i looked him in the eye as his eyes started to water up. i immediately wrapped my arms around him. he buried his face into my shoulder and sobbed. i squeezed him even tighter. "it's alright. i'm right here. let it all out" i whispered trying to calm him.

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