chapter 11

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two days later, i rode with dad, hershel, and rick to go meet the governor.

him and rick were going to talk things over. i rode with dad on the bike while hershel and rick were in the car. once we got there dad turned off the bike and got off. and rick got out of the car. hershel and i are going to stay back while daryl covers rick.

when they went off, hershel got his gun ready while i got my bow ready. also i remained on the bike while he was in the car. i took a deep breath and started looking around for anything that might be coming our way.

the only reason i was brought along today is because i'm the best shot. dad really didn't want me to come but rick insisted. plus, they aren't gonna kill a kid infront of their parent unless they're completely heartless. but they very well could be.

hershel whistled to get my attention. he then started the car and looked back at me. i put my bow on my back then cranked up the motorcycle and followed him to the back of the building.

yes, i am driving the motorcycle. and yes, i'm only 13. well, 14 now probably.

"he's already in there. sat down with rick" dad said as hershel and i turned the vehicles off. "i don't see any cars" hershel said. "this don't feel right" i said looking around. "keep it running hershel. rae, motorcycle off" dad said right as we heard a car approach.

"heads up" he said to hershel and i. in a split second i had my bow ready. dad did the same. i stayed on the bike as hershel got out of the car with a gun.

two guys in a car with andrea approached and parked right infront of us. i aimed my arrow at one of their heads and remained still. dad then started asking andrea questions.

she apparently didn't know her boyfriend was already here. she went inside the building that the governor and rick were talking in to try to sort things out.

the rest of us remained outside silent. the mexican guy with a gun kept looking at me. "will ya quit looking at my daughter" dad muttered looking at the guy. he then looked back and forth between dad and i as he connected the dots.

"why'd you bring your kid?" he then asked. "she's the best shot we have" hershel answered. damn right.

dad then asked who the guy writing was and made a smart remark about him. and then that caused dad to start arguing with both of the governors people. "dad back off. ain't worth it" i said sighing at dad who was in the mexican guys face. dad scoffed and backed off.

we sat once again in silence for quite a while and andrea even joined us. when hershel was talking to the nerd guy, we heard walker snarles in the background. "rae, back me up" dad said starting to run off.

i hopped off the bike and ran after my dad towards the sound of the walker. the mexican guy and andrea also joined us. we came across two walkers and i thought dad was going to shoot it. "go ahead" he said to the mexican. "nah you go first" he told dad.

andrea sighed and then went over to kill the first walker. i raised my bow and killed the second one. dad and the mexican then had a mini competition on killing the remaining walkers. they're acting like ten year olds.

i kept watch at the back while they were doing so. they killed them all and i started collecting dad and i's arrows. "look what this ones got" dad said getting a pack of cigarettes off a walker when i handed him his arrows. i sighed. i really don't want him to smoke, but he can do what he wants.

"go back to the bike and hershel, i'll be there in a minute" dad said quietly to me. i nodded then ran off.

when i got back hershel was talking to the nerdy guy. i got back on the bike and just kept watch. eventually dad came back with that guy. he immediately came over to me. "dad i don't trust this" i whispered right as the governor came out of the building.

rick followed behind him in silence. the governor and his people got in the car they came in and rick got in ours. dad got on the motorcycle and cranked it, and i hopped on right behind him. dad and i then lead rick and hershel out.

carol and car opened up the gates for us when we got back to the prison. we parked the vehicles where the basketball court outside is. everyone immediately gathered around, anxious about what went down.

"let's get inside" rick ordered. we all gathered around in the cell block once we got inside. rick told us that the governor wants the prison, and wants us all dead.

and that we are going into war.

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