chapter 10

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we all ran back to the cell block.

but i took my time to avoid an encounter with two specific people.

by the time i got up there, i was the last person from our group in the cell.

when i got there, there was a bunch of yelling. and everyone was in one place. i made my way in and everyone's eyes turned towards me.

i ignored them then dad came into view. i just stared at him with no emotion on my face. "baby girl i'm so sorry" he said coming towards me.

"daryl and merle saved me right before the governor. i had 3 walkers pinned up against me" rick said.

that's when i saw merle. i immediately took off my bow and pointed at him. "the hell is he doing here?" i yelled. "well damn, it's good to see you too princess" merle said in a smart ass tone. "reagan put the bow down" dad said calmly.

i ignored him and kept my eye on merle. and in that exact second dad yanked my bow out of my hand.

"what the hell dad!" i yelled. i then got closer to dad. "give me my bow" i said looking him in the eye. i was pissed. "not until we talk" he said calmly. i sighed very loudly.

"there ain't nothin' to talk about. you left. you chose him over me." i said calmly. he looked down. he knew he had more coming for him.

"dad. YOU LEFT. and you didn't just leave anything behind, you left me. your own daughter. and none of these people here have seen me cry until they told me you left with merle. dad, you chose him over me. that's not somethin' you can just take back." i yelled.

"rae i'm sorry. he's my brother and i got carried away" he said trying to defend himself. everyone just slightly backed away. "AND IM YOUR DAUGHTER!" i said with a tear running down my face through anger.

he looked back at merle and then to me. he then came closer and tried to wrap his arms around me. i shoved him off of me. "no. don't touch me. you ain't gonna get to get away with this so easily." i said. he looked dumb struck. "wow princess, you're much more of a bad ass than i remember" merle said. "go to hell" i said staring him dead in the eye.

i then yanked my bow out of dad's hand and gave him a death glare. he looked hurt. but i didn't care. i then started to walk off. rick stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. "i need you here" he said looking me in the eye. i sighed and then nodded.

"get merle out" i said quietly to rick. he sighed and then agreed. with the help of dad, rick locked merle outside of our cell.

i went over at sat next to carl on the stairs. "you ok?" he whispered in my ear. "no" i whispered back.

we then all started debating on if we should leave or not. half of us think we should leave, the other half thinks we should stay. personally i think we should stay.

rick ended up getting mad at all the fighting and stormed out. carl went after him but came back a short time later.

i decided to keep watch along side of maggie. i didn't want to be near dad or merle. carl came to visit me. "hey reagan, i know that you're pissed at your dad for leaving but the only thing i can say is give him another chance. i didn't give my mom another chance and now she's gone. and i regret it everyday" he said. i looked at carl and sighed. he right was and we both knew that.

he then turned towards the field and scrunched his eye brows in confusion. "what?" i asked grabbing his binoculars off his neck and holding them up to my eyes. i now see.

"yo maggie, that ain't normal" i yelled to her pointing. she used the scope of her gun to look as carl grabbed his binoculars from my hands so he could get a better look also. "andrea. you two get your dad's and the others" maggie whisper-yelled to us. we immediately did as we were told and ran back inside.

"rick, andrea is here" i said beating carl to the catch. everyone immediately grabbed their guns. "carl go back to where reagan was watching from. reagan, come on" rick said to carl and i.

i got my bow off my back with an arrow and ran outside along with rick, dad, merle, and michonne. beth also followed a little ways behind. "go" rick said to merle.

he went a little ways ahead to check everything. "clear!" he yelled. we all then started running towards the gate.

"are you alone?" rick yelled to andrea. "open the gate!" she yelled back. "are you alone?" rick asked one more time. walkers started coming towards her. "rae" rick said quietly. he threw me the keys and i opened the gate. i pulled it open slightly and then closed it right when she came in.

i then locked the gate as rick shoved her against the fence to check her. merle had a gun pointed up checking for anything that might be coming while dad and i had our bows up.

we all backed off a little bit once we saw that she was alone. rick then lead her to the cell and we all followed behind. we talked a few things over with andrea until we all went our separate ways.

"hey dad, can i talk to you?" i asked quietly walking over to dad who was sitting on the table. he nodded and i lead us both into the cell block.

"i'm sorry for lashing out earlier" i said looking down to the ground. dad used his thumb to lift my chin up to where i would be looking at him. "you had every right to rae. i shouldn't have left. not without you." dad said with his eyes watering up. he really is sorry.

"it's ok, you're back now" i said hugging him. he hugged me back. "and i ain't going no where" he whispered.

near evening time, we sent andrea off with a car. once it got night time, we all went back to the cell. and it was completely silent until beth started singing.

during that, dad, hershel, rick, and i discussed plans for tomorrow. "i'm gonna take michonne on a run tomorrow. and carl, he's ready. and reagan, you too" rick said. i shook my head. "no, i'm stayin' here with dad" i said quietly. dad held my hand. from the corner of my eye, i saw merle look at us.

"ok that's fine. you two keep everything in order around here" rick said with a smile talking to dad and i. we both nodded. i then rested my head on my dad's shoulder.

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