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      The Ripsom sisters lie in their shared bedroom quietly. With Macy reading a book and her sister Betty finishing her homework. These are how most nights went inside the Ripsom house. The only two children staying silent in their rooms as the Maine sky gets darker and darker.

Their comfortable silence was suddenly broken once the sound of glass shattering filling the room, making both girls jump. The scream of their mother follows close after, causing Macy to look up from her book with wide eyes.

" What the hell was that? " Betty questions looking up from her homework. " I'll go find out. " Macy assures, folding the corner of her book and setting it on her bed. Leaving the room, Macy makes her way towards the cries of her mother. Only stopping dead in her tracks, before she can reach the kitchen.

The distressed voice of her mother makes a pit grow in Macy's stomach. Letting out a shaky breath, she places her ear against the separating wall, eavesdropping on their conversation. Her hands grow clammy while she listens to her mother relive the situation. A gasp comes out of the young girl's mouth as her mom finishes describing what had happened.

Then the talking stops.

Macy, trying to seem clueless about the ordeal, takes a deep breath and continues to walk into the kitchen.

" Mom is everything okay? " Macy questions, trying to sound surprised. Mrs.Ripsom looks from her slightly bloodied hands and stares at her daughter, not saying anything for a moment.

" Macy everything's fine! The plate just slipped out of my hand. Now go to bed, I don't need you stepping on any glass! " Mrs.Ripsom blurts, breaking the silence she had created. Her mother's tone was harsh, yet nothing new to Macy. Over the years she has gotten used to the differences in tones she used when speaking with her two girls.

Yet, Macy stands there confused, trying to comprehend what she had just witnessed. " Go Mace. " Mr.Ripsom utters calmly. Turning around, she notices herself speeding towards her room, eager to tell Betty what she had just seen and heard.

Reaching the door, Macy runs in and closes it behind her, making sure her parents couldn't hear what she was about to tell Betty.

" What happened?" Betty utters closing her textbook for the night. In an anxious voice, Macy began to describe the ordeal to her sister. " I overheard her talking to dad. " Macy began, her hands getting more clammy with every second.

" She was telling him how she heard talking to her through the sink! " Betty's eyes widened at the words, knowing this had to be too outlandish to be true. " Stop bullshitting Macy, what happened? " Betty says, knowing her sister had a bad habit of fabricating stories.

" I swear on my life I'm not lying. " Macy exclaims. With her shaking hands and worried face, Betty knew she had to be telling the truth.

"Mom didn't see me, she was telling dad everything. She kept telling him that she'd been hearing talking through the sink and she finally said something and it spoke back to her! " Macy emphasizes her last three words and sits on her unmade bed. " W-what did the sink say? " Betty asked nervously.

Macy sighed and thought of what her mom told her dad. A part of her didn't even want to repeat the sentence she had heard. Yet Macy knew she was too far gone. " It said. " She began before taking a final deep breath.

" Our name is Legion. "

When these four words leave Macy's mouth Betty turns white. Now hoping this was all a lie. " This has to be some sick joke, she's gone nuts! There is no way in hell! I swear if you're lying, I'll kick your ass! " Betty babbles, pacing around the room.

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