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     Macy flinches as Eddie's mom began yelling and belittling the already traumatized losers. While holding Eddie's broken arm gently, Mrs.Kaspbrak took a deep breath, and the losers braced themselves for the inevitable. " You did this! " Eddie's mom screams, pointing at each loser individually. Macy looks at Eddie with sympathy, seeing how visually distraught and embarrassed he looked.

" You know how delicate he is! " Mrs.Kaspbrak shouted while pushing past the kids to get to her car. " W-we were attacked M-M-Mrs. K. " Bill pleaded, trying to get through to the woman, but it was no use. " Don't try and blame anyone else! And Ripsom, you're mother will be getting a call from me, you won't see sunlight until school starts! I'll make sure of it! " Mrs.Kaspbrak swore, fiddling with her keys, before dropping them. Macy shook her head and looked at the floor, feeling too embarrassed to look up.

Mrs.Kaspbrack's keys fall to the ground, with Beverly reaching down to pick the keys up. " Let me hel-" Beverly starts, but cut herself off as Eddie's mom pushes her away from the keys.

" Get back! " Eddie's mom shouts, making them slightly flinch. Beverly feels her ears go red as she is now faced to face with Mrs.Kaspbrak, who is looking at the girl with a smirk on her face. " Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son. " Mrs.Kaspbrak finished, laughing in Beverly's now bright red face.

" M-Mrs.K I... " Bill stutters, trying to get the attention away from Beverly. This made Mrs.Kaspbrak's temper only worsen. " No! You are all monsters! All of you! And Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done! " She huffs, before slamming the car door. Eddie gets one last look at his best friends, right before his mom's car began speeding down the Derry road.

The losers run into the street, each trying to get one last glimpse of Eddie for themselves. " We're fucked. " Macy exclaimed breaking the silence that had taken over the group. " N-no I saw the well. W-we know where I-IT is. And next time we-we'll be better prepared. " When the words left Bill's mouth, Macy braced herself for the hell that she knew was about to break loose.

" No! " Stan cried out, making everyone jump at his outburst. " No next time, Bill! You're insane! " Stan continued, tears now brimming in his eyes. " Why? " Beverly questioned Stan, being the only one on Bill's side. " We all know no one else is going to do anything. " She finishes, looking Stan dead in the eyes.

" Eddie was nearly killed! Macy's head was almost bashed in! And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking Hamburger Helper! " Richie exclaims, pointing out the slashes on Ben's stomach as he listed off what happened in the house. His comment makes Macy trace the marks on the side of her face and the bump forming on her head.

"We can't pretend IT's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, IT comes back every 27 years. " Beverly reminds, bringing back up everything Ben had said throughout the summer. The tension began to rise more, and Macy was growing more uncomfortable.

Ben felt the disbelief beginning to rise in him. " Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too. " Ben voiced at Beverly, his outburst surprising everyone, as he was usually soft-spoken.

" Because I wanna run towards something. Not away. " Beverly exclaimed, trying to get Ben to reason with her. " I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald into the group? " Richie exclaimed, with Beverly giving him the middle finger.

" Richie, you know I'm the only one allowed to make that joke! " Macy exclaimed, in the defense of Beverly. " Shut it, Winona! " Richie shoots back. His statement taking Macy aback, and pissing off Stan even more. " Richie! " Stan yells, now more annoyed than before.

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