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     Macy threw her bike down in the street and followed behind Bill. She heard the other losers arriving and stopped in her tracks. She watched Beverly run past her, begging Bill not to enter the house. " Look, you don't have to come in with me. But what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us? " Bill began, his voice only cracking but not stuttering.

" Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? " Bill added, with everyone besides Macy and Bill exchanging looks of guilt. " I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't. " Macy tries to swallow the lump in her throat as Bill hits close to home. Remembering how she's been forced to sleep in the room she and Betty once shared. The room that was still filled was her stuff as if she would be coming home.

" So walking into this house for me, it's easier than walking into my own. " Bill finishes without stuttering. " Wow," Richie says in disbelief. " What? " Ben asks while looking towards Richie. " He didn't stutter once. " Richie pointed out before walking towards the house, with Macy and Ben close behind.

" Wait! " Stan blurts out, everyone stopping in their tracks to look back at him. " Um, shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens? " Stan says, nervously looking around at his friends, hoping someone agrees with him.

" Who wants to say out here? " Macy ask, her hand grips the wooden rail of the house. The hands of Richie, Ben, Eddie, Stan, and Mike are raised. Their hands go down once they realized almost all their hands were up. This causing Richie to sigh in utter defeat.

Once it had been decided who would go in the house and who would stay outside, the group finally separated. Richie, Bill, Eddie, and Macy began making their way inside the Neibolt house. Macy looked behind her shoulder, getting one last look at Mike before walking completely into the house.

Richie opens his mouth to talk, trying to drown out the loud creaking from the floorboards below them. " I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks. " Richie mutters, breaking the silence. " Beep beep Richie. " Eddie said, making Richie adjust his glasses and shut up.

Almost every inch of the house was covered with spider webs and shards of broken glass. The smells of the sewer filling the four loser's noses, causing them the cringe at the foul odor. " I can smell it," Eddie said, pointing out the horrible smell as if his friends hadn't noticed.

" Don't breathe through your mouth. " Richie lectured, a part of him wanting just to joke with Eddie. " How come? " Eddie questions back quickly. " Because then you're eating it. " Richie says, with a smirk on his face. Eddie gags loudly, and grabbing his inhaler and shoving it in his mouth. Macy lightly jabs her elbow into Richie's side, letting him know he wasn't helping the situation.

The group continues to look around at the house, causing Richie to break away without notice. The boy made his way to another room, a room covered almost fully in spider webs. Looking inside one of the webs Richie notices a single piece of paper on the web. His eyes widen quickly once he notices his picture plastered on the paper. ' Missing ' it read, with all his information printed under his most recent yearbook photo. Richie wanted to believe so badly that this wasn't real, but as his picture stared back at him, it was growing harder to believe that.

The rest of the group notices how quiet it's been, and notices that Richie had disappeared from their side. Their eyes find Richie and they begin making the way towards the boy, all wondering what he saw that made him so quiet. " What? " Bill asked, watching Richie turn to him with a pale face and trembling hands.

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