e l e v e n

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     The group stared at Georgie's lifeless body and hoped it wasn't the real Georgie in front of them. None of them knew the full limits of IT and they all knew by now that anything was possible.

The silence was broken as Georgie began screaming and shaking uncontrollably.

The screams coming from Georgie began getting deeper and deeper, straying away from Georgie's high voice. The clown began showing IT's form and the losers look at each other knowing what's about to come. " Holy shit!" Richie screams as IT's body twists into its original form and wasted no time running towards them.

The losers scatter as IT charges straight for Bill. " Bill Run! " Macy screams, but she's too late as IT hovers over Bill, with only Mike's gun separating them. " Leave him alone! " Beverly scowls before trying to hit IT over the head, but failing as IT grabs the bar before it makes any contact.

Macy watches Mike run-up to IT, only to get slapped across the room. " Mike! " Macy yells as she watches the boy hit the wall. As Mike gets up Macy feels the rage boiling inside her and looks around to see if anything can help her against IT. She sees Stan being thrown by IT and uses this as her chance to help.

Grabbing a sharp rod from the ground she runs towards IT, not even having time to brace herself. Macy latches on to ITs arm before pressing all her weight onto the clown, trying to bring IT down. She begins stabbing the rod into IT's arm, only making the clown madder.

Suddenly IT's head turns to look at the girl.

Macy looks into IT's eyes before reaching up and lodging the rod into IT's neck. The clown yells out and throws Macy across the room towards the rest of the losers. She groans as her body hits the ground.

Yet she was quick onto her feet, trying to ignore the pain in her body. Once she stood up she watched the clown throw Richie towards them. IT pulled the rod out of IT's neck, before throwing it back at Macy's feet.

Before anyone could process what was happening IT flipped Bill over IT's shoulder. The clown was holding Bill down while covering his mouth, muffling the cries of the boy. " Let him go! " Beverly screams as Bill struggles in the clown's arm.

" I'll take you. I'll take all of you! " IT laughed, looking at each kid in the eyes. " And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear. " IT stops, holding up one finger before stoping. "Or, you'll just leave us be and I will take him and only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds. " No one knew what to say, they all just looked at Bill and IT.

" G-go! " Bill stuttered as IT laughed in the background. The losers looked at each other, not knowing what to do, but knowing they couldn't leave him there. " Guys, we can't! " Beverly protested, looking around desperately at her friends. " I'm s-sorry. " Bill whispered, his eyes begging for them to leave him.

" I told you, Bill, I fucking told you. " Richie interrupts standing up from the floor and facing IT and Bill. " I don't want to die. It's your fault, you punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house. " Richie continues while walking towards the pile of children's toys.

" And now, I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown. "

Grabbing a bat from the pile, making the rest of the losers arm themselves, each getting ready for what was to come. Macy looked down at her feet, looking at the pointed fence rod before picking it up. IT drops Bill, looking Richie right in the eye as he walks towards IT winding the bat behind him.

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