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      Macy awakens and gets herself ready early the next morning. Opening her bedroom door quietly, Macy walks past her mother's room, and look inside. She was not surprised to see her mother still sleeping. The silence was broken by the sound of the doorbell ringing, causing Macy to jump.

When opening the front door of her house, Macy was faced with the four boys she had last seen on the schoolyards. Her eyes widen as she stares at Richie, Bill, Eddie, and Stanley, who were standing on the front porch of her house.

Still slightly panicked and surprised, Macy slams the door in their faces.

" Macy who was that? " Mrs.Ripsom calls from her bedroom, with drowsiness lingering in her voice. Macy looks out the window next to the door to see that the boys are still there, looking at each other in a confused manner. Tapping on the window next to the door, Macy gets their attention. " I'll be right out. " She mouths before turning back around towards her mother's room.

" I told you yesterday, Beverly and I are gonna redecorate her room. " Macy lies as she begins tying her shoes and reaching for her backpack. With no reply from her mother, Macy walks out the doors into the Derry heat without another word to her mother.

" I didn't mean to slam the door like that, I just didn't want my mom seeing you guys, she would've never let me leave. " Macy explains while picking up her bike from the front lawn. " I get it. " Bill says while leading the group of kids to the sewers.

When the group finally reaches the sewers they throw their bikes down onto the ground. Macy walks away from her bike and immediately cringes at the surrounding smell. " That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy. " Stan points out, startling Eddie and making her take a closer look at the plants.

" Where? Where's the poison ivy? " Eddie questions, while dodging every plant that was in his way. "Nowhere! Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley." Richie yells, as the group inches closer to the sewers.

Now facing the ill-fated sewers Bill walks straight inside with Macy and Richie not too far behind him. The sounds of Eddie and Richie arguing about the color of the water is heard but ignored by both Macy and Bill. Walking further into the sewers behind Bill, Macy comes to a stop when she feels something come into contact with her shin.

She looks down and sees a shoe floating right next to her. Her heart begins beating faster than before, with a part of her not wanting to pick it up. Taking a deep breath Macy reaches down and picks the shoe up. Looking closer she sees the black writing on the inside of the shoe. When turning the shoe to read it Macy was horrified at the discovery.

B. Ripsom

Macy's eyes widen and her hands begin to shake. She was holding her dead sister's shoe.

" Guys! " Exclaims Macy, stopping all the boys from arguing. " Don't tell me that's? " Stan begins, looking at Macy with a sympathetic look. She doesn't look up at any of them, with her eyes fixated on the shoe. Yet she nods at Stanley, wanting to confirm his beliefs.

" I don't like this. " Eddie complains, growing more and more anxious by the moment. " How do you think Betty feels, going around these tunnels with only one frickin' shoe. " Richie jokes, trying his best to lighten the mood but only gaining four stern looks from his friends.

Macy tries to swallow the lump in her throat while still holding the shoe in her hand. The sound of the boys arguing becoming only background noise. She knew her sister was dead, despite everyone's best efforts to prove otherwise. Excepting this made Macy feel less heartache. But now with this size five shoe resting in her hand, it made everything seem more real.

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