e p i l o g u e

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     Five years had gone by since Beverly had left Derry after defeating IT. For the first year of Beverly leaving, the two girls talked on the phone almost every day, but as middle school ended and high school began the calls got fewer and fewer. Now the two girls hadn't heard from each other in almost three years. Macy didn't know this, but Beverly had begun forgetting her, along with the other tragedies of Derry.

The losers club would never be together as eight again. Most times six or seven, but never eight.

The friends now stand at six members as Ben and his family moved out of Derry during their junior year of high school. Now the remaining members of the losers club realized that with fall closing in, they would soon be heading their separate ways.

As the summer came to an end Stanley was the first to leave. Having left Derry to go to a college in the South. Bill was next, who left to pursue a career in writing horror novels, something his horrors helped him with. While Richie left for New York, with a career in comedy in mind, even though his friends rarely laughed at his jokes. Lastly, there was Eddie, who stayed in Derry the longest of the three boys, waiting for his mom to pack up the entire house. She couldn't live to see him on his own, so with that, they both left towards Eddie's college.

All of their colleges and career paths led them to different states, to different parts of the country. All their sleepovers, movie nights, and study sessions that year had been somber, and their departures had been even more bittersweet. They had all promised to call and maybe even meet up during a break. Yet little did any of them know, that as soon as they left Derry, the names and memories of the people there began to fade away.

After dating for five years Macy grew to know the ins and outs of Mike Hanlon. She knew that even though they both got into the same college, he had no plans of leaving Derry like the rest of them. This worried Macy because, unlike Mike, she was more than ready to forget about Derry entirely, but, she was in no way ready to forget about Mike and all the memories they shared over the years.

Macy had been excepted into the University of Florida and was set to leave in less than a month. She had been avoiding the conversation of college knowing it only made Mike tense up. His reaction leading Macy not to tell him that she was leaving for Florida. Yet she knew very well she would have to tell him soon.

Soon came quicker than expected for Macy, as she laid her head on Mike's chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. The two sit in comfortable silence until Mike couldn't take the obvious pretending anymore.

" So, when do you leave for Florida? " Mike questions, feeling his girlfriend tense under him. Macy sits up from his chest, letting out a sigh while playing with the promise ring that Mike had given her on their third anniversary.

" I planned on telling you sooner but I-. " Macy revealed, feeling guilty he hadn't heard it from her. " But you didn't Mace, I had to find out from the acceptance letter on your dining room table. " Mike says, cutting her off and standing up from the bed looking visibly frustrated and hurt.

Macy stood up from her bed to face the six-foot tallboy. " I was gonna tell you, but then everyone else started to leave and I didn't want to add to that." She explains, trying to be reasonable. Mike let out a chuckle as he shook his head " Mace you're my girlfriend, I deserve to know stuff like this. I didn't care about the others leaving, I care about you. " He says, now even more visibly distraught.

" When do you even leave Macy?" Macy's guilt grows as Mike calls her by her full name, which he rarely ever did.

" Three weeks. " She mutters quietly knowing Mike probably didn't hear. " What? " Mike questions." Three weeks. " She repeats in a much louder tone. " You're unbelievable Macy. " He mutters shaking his head. This made the calm and guilt Macy felt change to anger as the words left Mike's mouth.

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