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        Once Macy had seen Betty inside the woods, her outlook on the Derry disappearances had now fully changed. Hundreds of questions ran through Macy's head, causing her head to ache. Did that clown have something to do with all this? Was what she'd seen inside the woods real? These questions and so many more ran through Macy's head as she peddled towards her house.

She had run into her house after the incident, going straight to her room without saying a word to her parents. As she changes out of her dirt and blood-stained clothes, hoping it would help her forget the events of today. She was wrong as the ordeal replayed in her head over and over again.

Macy knew she couldn't escape the ordeal since she's been forced to sleep in her and Betty's shared room. Still being forced to look at her dead sister's things every night while trying to sleep.

With her knees to her chest, Macy thinks about telling her parents about the events of today. From finding Betty's shoe to ultimately seeing a decomposing version of her sister next to a clown.

Although she knew deep down hey would never believe her. That they would think she was trying to make the situation about herself by lying to them. Macy also thought about telling Beverly, Bill, or any of the losers, maybe they would understand.

She was afraid they wouldn't believe her, that no one would.

That night was the worst night of the young teenager's life. Macy stayed awake for hours crying into her pillow as she continued to relive the event over and over again. She was beginning to overthink everything that has happened in Derry in the last year. With her only falling asleep after tiring herself out from the long hours of shaking and crying.

The next morning a very tired and traumatized Macy walks past her mother's room on her way to see Beverly. Seeing her mother still in the same position she's been in since the funeral, lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling.

Macy sighs while walking past the darkroom. Hoping something would click in her mother sometime soon. All Macy wanted was some form of her family back. While making her way to the door Macy walks past the pile of dishes in the sink. Showing how things in the Ripsoms house still haven't changed in over the last month.

" Macy? " A weak voice calls out from the kitchen, making the girl abruptly stop. Although the voice didn't sound almost anything like her mother's, Macy hoped it was. " Yeah, mom? " Macy questions in a shaky tone, her whole body now tense. The silence grows and Macy walks back to her mom's room, making sure to look away from the kitchen while she does. Once she peeked her head in the room, she realized her mom was now fast asleep.

Macy, now feeling scared and uneasy began running towards her door. She reaches for her shoes and slams the door behind her. Placing her back against the door, she tries to catch her breath. Only looking up when she hears the sound of someone walking towards her. Looking up she's met Beverly standing at her porch steps.

" You look like hell. What happened? " Beverly questioned her disoriented best friend. Once Macy got a better look at Beverly, her eyes widened at the new look the girl was sporting. Her once long red hair had suddenly vanished, leaving her with a much shorter look.

"What do you mean what happened to me? Where the hell did your hair go? " Macy questioned, trying to steer the conversation away from her. Beverly ran her hands through her now short hair and answered Macy's question " Oh yeah, I cut it all off after my dad had found out I bought those pads. " She answered as she walked towards the quarry.

" God Bev, I know I told you this a million times but you're dads a creep. If I hear he put a hand on you I swear I'll beat his ass myself. " Macy said walking next to her bike.

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