t w e l v e

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     A month had passed since the final battle between IT and the losers. Now Beverly and Macy made their way to meet with the rest of their best friends. Ever since the final battle with IT, Beverly had been staying at Macy's house. Knowing she couldn't go back to her house after finally breaking away from the years of abuse.

" I told them we would just meet them there, I hope that's alright. " Beverly mumbled, kicking a rock down the road they were walking on. " I mean we see them almost every day, five minutes without them won't hurt. " Macy reassured her best friend, nudging her gently with her shoulder.

Macy's gaze stayed on Beverly for a moment longer. With her being able to tell that there was something wrong with Beverly, just not knowing what. " Are you okay? " Macy questioned, needing to what was happening with the girl.

" My aunt. " Beverly begins, before pausing, trying to find the right words to finish her announcement. " She's coming to pick me up tomorrow. " Beverly reveals, looking up at Macy. Beverly watches the girl's face drop in disappointment. Macy couldn't figure out any words to say. " Oh. " The dark haired girl sighed, not knowing what else to say.

Beverly felt a wave of guilt wash over her, wishing she had told Macy sooner. " Sorry, that I didn't tell you earlier, she just called your house this morning, I guess they want me there before the school year officially starts. " Beverly explains stopping in her tracks to look at Macy.

Even though Macy felt sad by the fact that Beverly was leaving, she still tried to make the situation seem alright. " It's not like we'll never see each other again. I mean we can talk on the phone and maybe if I get a car, I can come to pick you up, I'll even bring the boys. " Macy reassures, wanting to make both Beverly and herself feel better about the situation they were dealing with.

A smile spread across Beverly's face, feeling good that Macy could see the positives in a situation that looked tragic. " Well have fun in a long car ride with Eddie and Richie. " Beverly joked, shoving Macy lightly with her shoulder, causing both girls to laugh.

The two then walk to the field, noticing they're the last two to arrive. " Jesus, it's about damn time. And I thought Eddie took long to get ready. " Richie joked as the two girls walk up to the circle. Both Beverly and Eddie roll their eyes as Beverly takes a seat by Bill

" Beep beep Richie. " Macy said, while walking past Richie and pushing against his forehead, causing him to fall back off the log he was sitting on. Macy sits down by Mike and laughs as Richie gets up from the ground, mumbling profanities at his friends for laughing.

The laughing dies down and the topic about the last fight with IT gets brought up. The losers all knew they couldn't ignore the subject any longer. " Do you remember anything that happened while you were floating? " Bill question Beverly, with her face turning pale at the thought.

" I can only remember parts, I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. " Beverly reveals, having never told anyone about what she went through that day. The rest of the losers stay quiet, listening to everything Beverly had to say. " I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parent's ages. " This frightened them, especially since they all believed they had killed IT for good. Making them not understand Beverly's vision.

" W-what were we all doing there? " Bill questions, wanting to know more about what she had saw. " I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that." Beverly starts, looking at each loser individually. Bill looked down at his feet, his eyes falling on a single shard of glass.

" Swear it. " Bill started, standing up from his seat. The losers looked at him confused, not knowing what they were going to be agreeing too. " S-swear that if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we'll come back too. " Bill finishes, holding up the piece of broken glass in his shaking hands.

Beverly was the first person to stand up, with Richie following quickly after. Mike and Macy turn to each other, giving each other a quick nod before standing up with the rest of the losers. Macy looks at Bill, watching him run the glass through his friends palm.

Bill and Macy locked eyes once they were in front of each other. She sent the boy a small nod before looking down at her hand. Macy heard the beep of Eddie's watch go off next to her as Bill ran the glass through her palm. She flinched as the blood began running down her wrist, making her turn her head away from the wound.

Once Bill had given everyone a similar slash, he places himself next to Beverly and grabs onto her hand. The rest of the losers follow, with Macy grabbing both Mike and Eddie's hand, only slightly wincing at the feeling. They stand there for awhile taking in the fact that one day IT might come back.

One by one the losers let go of hands and stay in the comfortable silence. " I gotta go. " Stan says breaking the silence. " I hate you " He adds looking at Bill with a serious look plastered on his face. Laughs erupt quickly from the teens as a smile creeps onto Stan's face, all of them knowing he was joking. The losers all watched as Stan left the feild for his house.

With Eddie now ready to leave, he walks towards Richie before hugging the boy. " Bye Eddie, I miss you already. " Macy coos, laughing when Eddie turns around to give her the finger.

Macy rests her head on Mike's shoulder as grows more tired. Mike looks down at the girl and placed a kiss on the top of her head. With that, they both stood up and began saying their goodbyes. " See you at home Bev. " Macy smiles while interlocking her hand with Mike's and walking away from the group.

The two began walking through Derry, both just admiring the sun that had began setting. " Remember when you fell off your bike in front of me? " Macy laughs, remembering the first time she ever met him. Mike laughs a bit at the memory, remembering how he felt on that day.

" I was so nervous and it made it so much worst that I fell in front of the prettiest girl in Derry. " Macy felt her face burn, looking at Mike smiling down at her. The two could see Macy's house become closer, making them stop.

" I'm glad we met Macy. " Mike reveals, now facing her. " Me too. " Macy says leaning in and placing a kiss on Mike's lips. Once they pulled away the two look at each other, doing nothing but smiling. Macy goes onto her tiptoes and places one last kiss onto Mike's nose before walking to her house.

The sun falls and rises and before she knew it Macy is watching Beverly pack her things into her aunt's car. With the boys behind her, they all watch in sadness as Beverly gets ready to leave Derry. Beverly had already said goodbye to the others, leaving Macy for last.

Beverly puts her last bag into the car and turns to look at her best friend, who is standing in front of all the boys. The two, not knowing what to say, decided to not say anything, but to embrace each other, as Beverly's aunt starts the car.

" I love you, Bev. "

" I love you too Mace. "

The two girls squeeze harder before ultimately letting go. Once they detached Beverly knew she had to leave. " I'll call you as soon as I get there, I promise. " Beverly promises, tears brimming in her eyes. " God I can't believe you're leaving me with all these boys. " Macy joked, hearing everyone chuckle at what she had said.

" Good luck. " Beverly smiles, before stepping back and turning towards the car. The seven teens walk into the grass and watch as Beverly got into the car. Mike wraps his arm around Macy as they watch the car drive out of Derry.

The seven losers watch Beverly's red hair become farther away from the back window of the car. Little did they know, that would the last time the eight of them would be together ever again.

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