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     Macy's mind was fixated on Mike until she fell asleep that night. Even waking up the next morning with the boy still on her mind. Once she managed to get ready for her day at Bill's house, the smile from the night before still lingered. The smile drops once she passes her mother's room. She passed the room quickly, trying to tune out the sobs. Macy places her hand on the doorknob and swallows the lump in her throat before walking out the front door.

The dark-haired girl was the last one to show up at the Denbrough house. Being met with all the losers and a large map of Derry that covered the garage wall, Macy sat next to Mike. She watched the room go dark as the garage door shut. The only source of light came from the projector that placed an older map onto the updated map of Derry.

" Look. Tha-t's where G-Georgie disappeared. There's the Ironworks and the Blackspot. " Bill pointed out, drawing everyone's attention to the different areas in Derry that they were all slightly familiar with. Bill looks closer " Everywhere it happens, i-it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at- " Bill continues but is cut off by Ben.

" The Well house. " Ben blurts out.

Macy squints her eyes trying to see where the well house is located. " Isn't that the house on Neibolt Street? " Macy questions, after noticing that the two match up perfectly. " You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos sleep? " Richie adds, this making Eddie take a large inhale from his inhaler. " I hate that place. It always feels like it's watching me. " Beverly confesses as Eddie starts to hyperventilate.

Eddie looks up from the floor, noticeably paler. " That's where I saw IT. That's where I saw the clown. " A part of him didn't even wanna mention the leper. " T-That's where IT liv-lives. " Bill mutters, making Eddie take another deep puff of his inhaler. Richie looks over at the smaller boy, feeling almost bad that Eddie had to go through that alone.

" I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there. " Stan says shaking his head at the thought of living in the Neibolt house. " Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. " Eddie exclaims, standing up from his stool and facing the losers.

" This is summer, we're kids. I can barely breathe! I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack! " Eddie yells, now moving in front of the projector, blocking it with his slender frame.

" I'm not doing this! " Eddie gasps, before turning his body around to face the map. With his inhaler in one hand, Eddie reaches for the map and with force, before ripping it off the wall. Bill's eyes widen at Eddie's action, feeling himself growing frustrated at the boy. " What the hell? Put the map back! " Bill orders, making Eddie shake his head no.

Before anyone else can intervene, the projector begins clicking again. The loser's attention changes from Eddie to the clicking projector, noticing quickly that Bill wasn't the source of the changing pictures. Suddenly pictures of the Denbrough family began popping up on the wall and Eddie's face.

Eddie moves out the way of the light of the projector to get a better look at what's happening. Stan is the first one to question the situation but receives no immediate answer. " Hold on I got it. " Mike says as he reaches past Macy and towards the projector. Macy sighs in relief thinking this malfunction had been over. Yet a moment passes and the clicking continues, now only at a faster rate. Suddenly more pictures of the Denbrough family begin popping up onto the wall. The losers begin feeling both uncomfortable and frightened as the pictures continue.

The projector suddenly stops on one particular picture. A picture of the four members of the Denbrough's family holding hands. Everyone in the picture is smiling, except for Bill's mom, whose face is covered with her hair. Macy had seen Bill's mom many times and yet there was something off about her in this picture. Something just wasn't right.

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