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     Macy slept through the entire night, which had become a rarity over the past month. Once she woke up, she found herself alone in her house. She grew confused, knowing her mother hasn't left the house in days. Yet before Macy could question it any further, the phone rang.

Picking up the phone, Macy was immediately bombarded by the shaky voice of Beverly Marsh. " Macy, I need you to come over right now. " Beverly's tone was brittle, this left Macy worried.

" Beverly, what happened? Are you okay? " Macy's mind had gone straight to the worst, thinking that her father had somehow hurt her. " No I'm fine, I guess. You'll see when you get here, I'm about to call the boys. I'll need all the help I can get just, please. " Beverly pleaded and hung the phone up before Macy could give a confirmation.

Without a second thought, Macy grabbed a pad and pen from the table and began writing a note to her mother. Who she believed had to be out looking for her sister. But after slapping the note on the table, Macy began making her way to Beverly's house.

The six clueless kids had coincidentally pulled up to the apartment complex at the same time. They all look up towards the fire escape, seeing Beverly running down to meet them. Once she was facing her friends, Macy could tell that her face looked paler than normal. " You made it. I need to show you something. " Beverly said, slightly out of breath.

" What is it? " Ben questions, as everyone set their bikes down. " More than what we saw at the quarry? " Richie asks, pissing Eddie off and earning looks from the others. " Beep beep Richie! " Eddie yells, with a slight smile growing on Richie's face. " My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment. " Beverly warns, knowing the last thing she needed was her dad finding out.

" Then we'll le-leave a lookout. " Bill suggested, looking around to see who they would leave to keep watch. " R-Richie, sta-stay here. " Bill says, as the rest of the group start making their way towards the apartment. Leaving Richie behind in pure disbelief and shock that he had to look out for Mr.Marsh, alone in the Derry heat.

The group walks through the halls of Beverly's dark house. Each wondering what could've happened to make Beverly bring them here with such high risk. " In there. " Beverly says looking straight ahead at her bathroom. The rest of the group gives each other confused looks, each growing worried at the anticipation. " What is it? "  Stan asks, even though he didn't wanna know.

" You'll see. "  Bev replies, leading the group to her bathroom.

" Are you taking us to your bathroom? I just want you to know that 89% of the worst accidents in homes are caused in bathrooms. "  Eddie says, becoming more anxious as they get closer to the Marsh bathroom. " Eddie we've been over this, you probably already have crabs. " Macy replies, making the boy curse at her under his breath.

The losers stop at the door of her bathroom, each member mentally preparing for what was behind the door. Taking a deep breath, Macy braced herself while watching  Bill push the door open. When the creaking of the door stopped and the losers were faced with what was inside, their hearts began to race.

Blood covered every inch of the Marsh bathroom, from the floor tiles to the tops of the ceiling. Red illuminated the loser's faces, while they looked at the bathroom in pure shock. The state of the bathroom caught everyone by surprise. Eddie began gagging as Macy let out a loud gasp.

" You see it? " Beverly questioned, with desperation in her voice. " How could you miss it. " Macy spoke, her voice shaky. Stan began stuttering, still in shock as he tried to get his sentence out. " What happened in here? "

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