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     Macy felt the long summer days drag on while being stuck inside the Ripsom house. She still occupied the small room she and Betty used to share when she was still alive. Her room makes her feel almost permanently uneasy, meaning she tries to spend most of her time in her backyard.

Almost everyone in Derry had heard about Macy's house arrest, resulting in none of the losers club members stopping by. Mike tried on multiple attempts to see Macy, especially while he went on deliveries. Yet with her mother now watching her every move, Mike had no choice but to leave before he could spend any more time with Macy.

Everyday Macy awaits for any kind of sign that the losers club is reuniting, but every day she is left disappointed as the summer drags on. As the days pass, Macy grows more and more tired of rereading books, sitting on a swing, and looking at Betty's old things.

She finally comes to realize that she's grown numb to the items that had once belonged to her sister. Even with all the trauma they possessed, Macy now looked at them as if they were nothing. She looks at her sister's things now and feels nothing, she used to be so sad, so angry, now she feels nothing.

Although the losers club lost contact, every night Macy sits on the floor of her living room watching the news anxiously with her parents. She bites her nails as it shows the kids that have gone missing. She crosses her fingers at her side hoping not to hear that one of her friends had gone missing.

All these changes on one particularly hot day while the summer was nearing an end. The telephone at the Ripsom house blares and Macy's head snaps towards the phone. She shoots out of the chair in her dining room and runs to the phone. She picked up the phone without a second thought, answering it as she had with every call to her house since the day at the Neibolt House.

" Hello? " Macy questions, praying the other person is a member of the losers club and not just a telemarketer.

" M-Macy. " Macy knew by the stuttering of her name that it was Bill Denbrough on the other line. Her heart started racing at the tone of his voice. " IT g-got Bev. " Bill stuttered on the other end of the line.

Macy's stomach dropped, her hands grew clammy. A million things began running through her mind, causing her breathing to speed up as her emotions began to run wild. Her knuckles start to turn white from the intense grips she has on the phone. Macy felt distraught.

Bill didn't question the silence on the phone, knowing they didn't have time for questions. " W-we don't have much t-time, Macy and there's n-no way we can do this without y-you. You said it yours-self." Bill pleaded the sadness in his voice made Macy feel worse.

" I'll be there. " Macy confirms, saying nothing else before hanging up the phone. She knew there would be risk leaving the house, but there was no doubt in her mind that this was their only option to save her best friend. She'd do anything for Beverly, and if the tables were turned, Beverly would do anything for her.

Macy ran back to her room, making sure not to wake her mother up in the process. She laced up her shoes, before placing a pillow under the covers of her bed. Wanting her parents to believe she was fast asleep under the covers.

Macy finally creeps out of her room, making her best attempt to be as quiet as possible. She tiptoes past her mom's room, smiling to herself once she makes it past without a hitch. Macy watched the front door get closer, knowing she was almost there. That was until she felt a sharp pain in her thigh. The noise rattled the house, making Macy notice she had run into the end table.

" Shit! " Macy whispered, with her mom already getting up and looking for her daughter.

" Macy where do you think you're going? " Mrs.Ripsom questioned, with both her hands resting on her hips. " Just to water the plants? " Macy responded, with it sounding more like a question than an answer. With the look of shock and anger lingering on her mother's face, Macy knew she had to tell as much of the truth as she could.

" My friends are in trouble mom! They need me! Please let me go...Please! " She begs, with Mrs.Ripsom showing no signs of budging.

" No Macy! " Mrs.Ripsom exclaims, making Macy flinch. " You're too careless and I'm not letting you put those kids in danger! Those parents don't deserve to go through what I went through! " Macy's mom snaps. Macy finally had enough of hearing this phrase thrown at her time and time again.

" Just say it, mom. Just tell me you blame me for her death. " Macy argues, her hands starting to tremble. Her mother's eyebrows raise in horror at the words that had come out of Macy's mouth. " She's missing Macy, you're sister isn't dead. " She muttered through clammed teeth, getting noticeably angrier.

" Mom, she's dead! She's dead and she's not coming ba- " Macy yelled but was cut off by a stinging pain to the right side of her face.

She lets out a cry, as her hands shot to the stinging pain, trying to soothe the ache on her face. Tears begin running down her face as she looks up at her mother through her eyelashes.

Mrs.Ripsom looks down at her hand surprised. She had a guilty look plastered all across her face. " Did that bring her back? " Macy questions, as more tears slowly ran down her face. " Macy I'm. " Mrs.Ripsom begins, looking for the right words. " Go, go help your friends, I'm, I'm sorry. " She finishes while backing up from her daughter, her eyes still glued to her hands.

Within seconds Macy is gone.

The pain and marks are only a memory by the time Macy met up with the remaining losers. They all knew that there's no time to catch up as they make their way to the dreaded house on Neibolt street. The anxious teens threw their bikes on the street and exchanged worried looks. Macy looks at Mike and gives him a weak smile before walking towards the house.

The seven of them all follow behind Bill, with almost no hesitation, unlike the last time. They look through the lawn, hoping to find something to aid them in finding Beverly and hopefully, killing IT.

Eddie looks down at his fanny pack, with the lies he found out rushing through his mind. And with all his force, he unclips the fanny pack before throwing it into the street with a grunt. The action caused Macy and Stan to look at each other, both sending the other confused looks. The two knew how out of character this was for the boy but was still proud of him.

They begin looking all around for anything they can use to protect themselves and each other. While searching for something, Macy violently flinches when she sees a shard of glass flies right by her face, leaving her confused but unharmed.

She looks up at Richie who's holding a broken beer bottle in his hands. The losers look at him as he throws the bottle behind his shoulder. " The fuck Richie? " She replies, only earning a shrug from the boy as he pushes his glasses up his nose.

The now seven members of 'The Losers Club' stand frozen at the bottom of the stairs. Neither of them knew this at the time, but each member was all feeling the same thing. That being horrified, like each of them were being watched.

They each blame it on paranoia, and one by one they begin to walk into the house, in desperate search of their best friend.

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