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     Macy steps inside of the house with the memories immediately beginning flooding back. Although she felt better prepared now, she still couldn't ignore the fear that lingered in her body. Macy couldn't even imagine what was in store for her and her friends, making her even anxious.

Looking around Macy saw only six figures around her, with no sign of Stanley Uris. She turns around to see him standing outside the house, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes glossy with tears.

" Stan. " She calls calmly, drawing everyone's attention to the boy.

" Stan, we all have to go. " Bill confirms with Stan not budging. " M-Macy was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. " He continues looking from Macy to Stan, trying to persuade him to come into the house. " But if we stick t-together, all of us, we'll win. " Bill finishes, with Stan taking a deep breath before stepping into the house.

Macy sets herself in between Stan and Mike, as they make their way down the old and creaky stairs." Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter? " Richie jokes looking at an old well. " I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing. " Eddie shoots back looking down into the well, with shivers running down his spine.

" Beverly! " An echo runs through the basement as Ben calls out for the missing girl. To nobody's surprise, there was no response to Ben's calls for Beverly. Now, with the teens huddling around the well, they look at each other, hoping one of them has a plan.

" How are we supposed to get down there? " Mike questions, pointing his flashlight down the dark and almost bottomless hole. Bill looked around desperately for anything that could help them get down until his flashlight fell on a pile of rope. His eyes lit up, causing him to point the rope out to his friends.

Once the rope falls inside the well the teens begin slowly making their way down the well. Bill was first, after arriving safely Eddie, Richie, Ben, and Stan were close behind.

Mike and Macy were the only ones left in the dark basement. Macy looks down at the well and takes a deep breath before stepping onto the edge. Positioning herself onto the rope with Mike's help, grip onto it tight, her hands begin growing clammy.

She prepares herself for the journey, making sure to look up at Mike one more time. Mike leans into her, pressing a kiss onto her lips. Macy feels herself calm down as she pulls away, giving him a soft smile before climbing down the rope. " See you down there. " She says before lowering herself down.

Macy made it to the other losers and felt their hands pulling her into the hole they all resided in. Once inside the losers begin anxiously waiting for Mike to make it down the well. The silence of the sewers was interrupted by a scream of pain, causing all the losers' stomachs to drop as they realized the scream was coming from Mike.

They all began screaming out for Mike, unbeknownst of what's happening right above them. With Macy leading the pack they all look up to see what was happening right above them. When looking up, a scream leaves them as they're faced with the bloodied face of Henry Bowers.

" Bowers! " Richie yelled, causing Henry to begin laughing loudly, knowing the losers couldn't do anything to help. Macy desperately tried to reach for the rope to help Mike. As she gripped it, Henry started to pull it up. Macy lost her grip on the rope, once her hand slipped she felt an abundance of hands grabbing her torso and arms. " Shit Mace! " Richie called out after helping save the girl from falling down the well.

Once regaining her balance. Macy looked up at the basement of the house. " Run Mike! " Macy yelled, while frantically looking for any way to get back up and help him. " I need to get up there! " Macy exclaimed, looking at Richie, who was next to her. " Are you insane? With what? " Richie yells, blocking the only way out.

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