p.a. | putting up with the paladins

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keeping up with the kardashians??? psh, i think you mean putting up with the paladins© .

i feel like the reader would stand up for allura, during times when she's really stressed/stand in for her if she's not okay???


Prompt: "(Y/N), the paladins are out of control." "I'll help you Princess! Don't worry!"

Extra Info: Princess Allura x Gender Neutral! Reader
- short; only 836 words

requested: nah, Jelloiix and I were talking when Putting Up with the Paladins was a joke. then fast forward to here.

Waking up, you stretched your arms out and yawned. You were about to put your armor on and get to the control room, when you realized that it was everyone's day off. Smiling, you made your way towards your closet and pulled out your traditional Earth outfit. Slipping out of your pajamas, you took a shower than changed. Grabbing a (Book/Sketchbook/Activity) you walked out of your room into the lounge. 

Upon walking, you heard a ton of yelling in the dining room. Sighing softly, you put your (Book/Sketchbook/Activity) down and ran over. "Guys! What's going on?!" You yelled. The sight before you made you sigh with annoyance. Lance and Keith were butting heads going on about some board game. Pidge and Shiro were arguing over the best gun reenactment and Hunk and Coran kept on going back and forth saying so and so's food was better. 

Looking around, you noticed Princess Allura in the corner of the room, hands over her ears. "Hey, Princess are you okay?" Allura looked up at you, "The paladins are out of control and I don't know what to do. None of them will listen to me." She said, defeated. "Don't worry, Allura! I'll help you!" She smiled gratefully and you smiled back, a hint of a blush on your cheeks. Ever since Princess Allura fell out of that cyro pod and into your arms you had been charmed by her features, accent, personality, and beauty. 

So basically you had fallen in love with an alien, but eh. Running over to Pidge and Shiro, they asked you to be the judge of who made the best gun noise. Face palming you decided to scold them, "Pidge, this is your day off. I would think you would like to go ahead and tinker with that broken radio we found last week." Her eyes brightened in remembrance and she rushed down the hall, "Thanks for reminding me, (Y/N)!"

"Of course!" You yelled back at her, as Shiro slowly started backing away. "Hey! Shiro! You know better than that! I expect much better than that!" Slightly embarrassed since he, the leader, was being scolded, he apologized and went over to his room to take a nap. Looking between the next two bickering groups you decided to go over to Keith and Lance, they were the ones yelling the most, plus Keith got his knife out and you didn't want to know what might happen to Lance. 

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" You put yourself in front of Lance, "Keith, put the knife down." He glared at you and shook his head, "Keith," you said, warning him. He groaned, but put the knife down and crossed his arms. "Okay," you got in between them, "what's up?" "KEITH, WON'T STOP CHEATING IN THE GAME OF LIFE!" "I'M NOT CHEATING, YOU JUST SUCK!" "SHUT IT!" You yelled at the both of them, "You are both paladins of Voltron! You need to learn to get along! Keith, you need to learn to control your anger! Lance, you need to stop pushing Keith's buttons! Now apologize to each other!"

They both looked at you as if you were their parent scolding them as a child. Once again groaning, they both mumbled a weak 'sorry' and continued playing. This time having no arguments and only playful banter. Smiling, you walked over to Hunk and Coran. "Coran, Hunk I'm going to be honest here. You're both good cooks but in different ways. Hunk, you're the best cook when it comes to Earth dishes and Coran is the best cook when it comes to Altean dishes. How about you both work together and try to combine your dishes to make one special meal?" You asked. 

As quick as you said that, Hunk and Coran both started sputtering out dishes to combine and ran into the kitchen. Putting your hands on your hips, you smiled at your handiwork. Making people stop fighting just became your thing after having to put up with the paladins little arguments and fights. You walked over to Allura once again, "Ta da." You did jazz hands, "arguments gone." You snapped and smirked. 

"Thank you, (Y/N). I don't know what I would do without you." You were about to reply when you collapsed next to her. "Huh! (Y/N)!" She shook you, then realized you were sleeping. "Ah, get some rest my Queen/King." She said softy and kissed your cheek. Little did Princess Allura know you were just resting your eyes, not your ears. No, your ears were working just fine. 

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