sleeping positions

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Shiro - 

The Spoon. Having you in his arms really puts Shiro at ease, especially when his nightmares of the Galra occur. 

Lance - 

Shingles. This boy loves having his arm around you, even during the night. 

Keith - 

Sweethearts' Cradle. To put it out there, Keith is touch-starved. Growing up without friends was pretty hard for him and he loves cuddles. 

Hunk - 

Honeymoon Hug. You and Hunk both love each other and love showing it. Plus, who doesn't love hugs?

Pidge - 

The Leg Hug. You and Pidge aren't a very touchy-touchy couple and your sleeping position proves it. But you both don't mind it as long as the other is comfortable. 

Allura - 

The Pursuit. In fact, you both switch positions every night. One night, you're the hugger the next, Allura is the one hugging you. 

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