k.k. | secret soulmate tattoo | part one

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ahhh, britney is honestly queen. also, who else thinks she is a clone. thanks, shane!

prompt: i don't think you love me, even though I'm your soulmate

requested: nope :P

this is just part one btw

Today was the day. everyone knew that when you turned 18, you received your soulmate tattoo. It had been guiding lovers together since who knows when. And today was the day Y/N recieved hers.

The sister of the black paladin woke up with a start. It just so happened that the blue paladin, Lance, had decided to pounce on her bed. "Y/N! Have you checked your tattoo!" Startled, you fell onto the floor and out of you bed. 

"Lance!" you yelled, "knock next time!" "Oh, sorry.. I woke you up..?" Feeling bad, you mumbled, "uh no, I was just waking up." "Uh, well the team has something planned for you. Just don't come out until Shiro comes!"  "Okay...?" You mumbled back. 

Going into your bathroom, you grabbed her short, baby black dress with a gold stripe along it. Stripping your shorts and top off, you looked at the mirror. You didn't spot anything, until you noticed your shoulder. There on your shoulder, was a purple, glowing knife. Specifically, Keith's knife. Your blood ran cold, of course you were in love with the red paladin. But, you had reason to believe he didn't feel the same way. For example, the fact that his tattoo was only a phoenix in a cage. You had a feeling it was you since you wanted to do so much, but you were trapped in too much stress, worry, fear, and other reasons why you couldn't put yourself out there into the world. But Keith only viewed you as his friend, not as a lover.

"Oh my quiznack." You mumbled to yourself, realizing that your dress was strapless and would show your tattoo. You started to fumble around in your closet, then found a  jacket that covered the tattoo and stopped at your waist. You let out a sigh of relief, when there was a knock at the door. "Come in." "Time for your surprise, N/N" Shiro smiled and ruffled your hair, "oooh, I wonder what it is." You smiled. 

Going over to the lounge, everyone popped out from hiding. "Happy birthday!" After a few minutes, Coran brought out your gifts. Each of them were color-coded. Coran put a orange one into your hands. Opening it, revealed a bow headband. "Thanks Coran!" In the end, Pidge got you a tazer she made, Allura gave you a pretty dress, Lance gave you a mug and some jewelry, Hunk gave you a cookbook, Shiro gave you a charm bracelet and handmade card, until it was only Keith. 

Grabbing the red gift that the mullet handed to you, you opened it gently. Inside the red box, was a scrapbook of the two of you from when you were young to the present. "Keith, oh my gosh. Thank you so much." You went up and hugged the raven-haired boy. "It wasn't a big deal. Your brother helped me with it." Lance then approached you, "sooo... did you find your tattoo, yet?"  "Umm, I didn't find one yet. It might be on my back, I didn't check this morning." The entire team looked at you and deadpanned. Lance gave you a curious glance, then noticed your jacket covering your shoulders. "Her jacket! Her shoulder!" Without a warning, Keith, Lance, Coran, Hunk, and Pidge started chasing after you. 

Turning on your heel, you started sprinting to your room. "Hey!" You heard your older brother shout something, when Keith pinned you to the ground. "Get her jacket!" Lance and Coran were able to take it off and you heard an audible gasp from Lance when your jacket was put back on. "Leave my sister alone. She'll show us when she's ready. As for Lance, Coran, do not tell anyone about what you saw." You felt a bit better, when you realized your childhood friend hadn't been able to see your shoulder. 

"Now let's have breakfast." "Sorry N/N," Keith approached you then awkwardly left. "So," Lance ran to your side, "Keith huh?" "Shh!" You put a finger to his mouth. "Lance!" "Right, sorry sorry. Its just I didn't think that you.. You two would.." You rolled your eyes and headed to the table. 

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