special chapter • dedicated to tristan and dori

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"GUYS! GUYS! A NEW EPISODE CAME OUT!" Lance yelled out to the paladins. "REALLY?!" they all ran over to the TV, excited. The girls were all on a charter bus which was going to NASA, "Is it still the STEM Camp special?" Hunk asked, "yep." Pidge replied. The paladins all fanboy/girled when they saw Melody take out 'The Paladin's Handbook' "Hey guys! We can do the quiz!" She grinned. Keith sighed happily and Lance smirked, "oh is melody someone's favorite character?" He rolled his eyes, "shad up Lance." "So which lion did you get, Mel?" "Huh, oh I got red! I'm keef, hehe." she giggled. "Yes!" Keith fist pumped the air and the paladins slowly turned to see Keith's face which was a shade of red which would rival the Red Lion. Upon noticing their gaze, he grew quiet and returned back to his stoic expression.

"Ashlee, you wanna take the quiz?" "Uh, sure." Melody asked Ashlee the questions as the paladins decided to guess what lion/paladin she would get. "Me of course, since I'm as cool as her." "No, maybe Lance?" Hunk questioned. "Or maybe Shiro, since she's calm like him?" Pidge answered. SHiro shrugged as if to say maybe. "You are... Green! You're Pidge!" "Okay, can I go now?" Pidge smiled widely, "YES! She's MY FAVORITE!" Everyone looked at her as she nervously giggled and looked down.

"Alright, Dori..." Dorinda began to take the quiz and the paladins also took to guessing what paladin she would be. "Maybe Lance sine her mood ring keeps on saying she's romantic and active." Shiro thought aloud, everyone else nodded along with him. "Okay, you are... Shiro!" Shiro's eyes widened, then he smiled. "Well then Dori better be ready to deal with a bunch of space children," "Hey!" the paladins yelled out in offense as Shiro laughed. "Tristan! Your turn!" Melody gave the book to Tristan. "Of course Tristan would get me! She's got good looks, funny humor, and is just as perfect as me!" He smiled and his teeth glittered. "Or maybe you just want her to be since she's your favorite." Keith mumbled. Lance's face reddened, "s-shut up, keef." Lance said, referencing Melody's nickname.

"You are... HUNK!" Melody yelled out. "Awww," Lance muttered. "Wait! Really!?" Hunk smiled and the smol cinnamon roll was sparkling. They were about to reach the Ames Research Center when the castle lost power. "Come on!" "Really?" "No way!" "You're kidding," all the paladins made sad and angry remarks upon what just happened. "Well, while we're waiting for Coran to fix up the power we can play a game where we have to guess who's favorite character is who's." "OKay," all the paladins agreed. "Okay," Shiro pointed at PIdge, "Ashlee." "And Dori. I have two, hehe. Uhm." She looked at Keith, "Melody." He sighed, nodding his head as Lance yelled, "I knew it!" Keith raised his eyebrows, "okay Lance. Lemme guess; tristan." The boy's grin grew even bigger, "of course! I just wish she'd stop shipping us together, I mean I would go on a date with Tristan anytime rather than spend the day with you, mullet." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess, Hunk. Your favorite is... Dori?" He asked it more as a question. "Yep!" Hunk smiled," she's just really funny and super nice!" "Yeah yeah, Dori is nice and all but Tristan is the best!" "What? No Melody is!" "Alright guys! Its Hunk's turn to guess mine." "Uh, Tristan?" Shiro shook his head, "dori?" Another no, "Melody." "Nada." "Well who then?" All the paladins were confused as to who their leader's favorite character was. "Ash...?" Pidge trailed off, "nah all of them. They're all the bestest of friends because of us. Voltron brought them together and that's why I love this show so much. Even though they're not real," he put his hand on his neck. "Which is why Lance's search history consists of 'Tristan x Reader'." PIdge mumbled, "HEY!" the cuban boy yelled, flustered. Keith stifled a laugh then PIdge gave him a death stae, "Hey I know you're search history too, Mr. Melody x Reader."

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