k.k. | "i'm okay"

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whoop, whoop my laptop works now so its gunna be much easier for me to update! 

note - i tried not to make it too triggering, more like a kind of coping/support thing but please don't hurt yourself. if you ever need someone to talk with, don't hesitate to pm me, most of the time i'm not talking to anyone, so I'll most likely reply to you. one time in my literature class, i heard a girl next to me say no one cares about this one boy's life and that no one would care if he died. i got so mad, i said to her well i care for his life. i would care if he died. and the thing is, even though i didn't know him, i could see the hurt in his face when she told him that. even though i may not know you guys through the screen, i love each and every one of you. so if anyone ever says no one cares about your life or you feel like that, i do. 

Prompt: Keith Kogane x Depressed! Reader

Requested: yep, by the lovely AlyssaJJ11


Who would have ever thought that you would be having the time of your life battling aliens, bonding with your teammates, and being a defender of the universe? Well, not you. You weren't even a defender. You were just the person there at the wrong place and the wrong time. Seeing the failure of the Garrison Trio, you took it upon yourself to try and help them with bonding and teamwork. Yet, you somehow got taken in a blue robot lion into space.

And to put it flatly, you were completely useless. You didn't have leadership skills like Shiro, you couldn't fix tech like Pidge, be as cool and supportive as Lance, be as kind and a great cook like Hunk, or fight like Keith. Even the Princess's butler had more purpose than you! Trying to become helpful, you had helped a planet of poor aliens being attacked by the Galra. But when the king of the planet only thanked the paladins, Allura, and Coran, you felt useless

Pushing the tears away, you only continued to smile even though you felt like crying and screaming on the inside. Curling a piece of your hair, you smiled nervously at the paladins who glanced at you, seeing your reaction to not being seen as a member of Voltron. Upon seeing your rejected face, Keith started approaching you and ran off into the castle. You couldn't hold the tears in anymore. "(Y/N), huh. Hey! (Y/N)! Wait up!" You heard Keith's words, so you slowed down to a stop. "heh, sorry. I'm just really tired and that fight took a lot out of me. Even though I did nothing." You whispered the last sentence under your breath and Keith looked at you sorrowfully. 

"Look, I'm sorry the king didn't acknowledge you. Are you alright?" Your cheeks tinted a faint pink, as the raven put a hand to your cheek. Backing away, you turned to the side, "I'm fine, Keith, really. I'm okay." You put on a fake smile. He didn't look convinced, but you fake yawned, "well, uh, see you later." You ran off to your room. Once seeing the door was shut, you collasped onto your bed and cried. Cried the feelings of being worthless away, but making sure to not be too loud. When you heard a knock on your door, your eyes widened. About to say, "Wait!" you couldn't since the Red Paladin had just walked in on you crying your eyes out.

"K-Keith, its not what it looks like, really. I just," Keith ran over to you and engulfed you in a hug. "(Y/N), I told you. Please tell me, what's wrong," and then you poured out everything you had been keeping inside. "I don't belong here! I can hardly do anything! Even Coran is more helpful than me and he's a butler! Everyone here has special skills and a reason to be here, except for me! I'm just a seventh wheel!" You yelled into his chest. 

Upon hearing this, Keith hugged you tighter. The boy felt as if he were to let you go you would fall apart and break like a porcelain doll. "(Y/N), you are not a seventh wheel, nor are you worthless. Let me go ahead and list off a few things about you." "W-what?" You asked, looking at him. "Pretty? Check. Smart, uh check! Good pilot? Definitely, a check! Funny? Check. Beautiful? Oh boy, check. Serious yet kind? Warrior with a good heart? Check and check." 

Hearing his voice saying all those things about you made you think you were dreaming. Were you dreaming? "Amazing? Ch-eck!" He sang a little, "The beautiful, daring, amazing girl I fell in love with? Check..." He looked down and put his hand on his neck as you gasped a little. "Are you being serious?" "Uh, yeah. S-sorry if you don-" You interrupted him by putting your hands on his neck and kissing his nose. His face grew a dark red and he smiled at you, then quickly pecked your lips. 

"Hey!" You laughed, grabbing a pillow to throw at him. He dodged the pillow then grabbed you and you both got into a cuddling position. "I love you so much, so don't you dare give me any of that "I'm okay" trash to me again, okay? I love you too much for you to feel that way." He rocked you softly and you replied with a low hum of agreement. "I love you too." You said grinning as you sneakily threw a pillow at the boy. "Wha-hey?! We were having a bonding moment!" 

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