k.k. | secret soulmate tattoo | part two

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my gosh, keef is popular.
then again, he is amazing, so im not complaining.


prompt: i don't think you love me, even though I'm your soulmate

requested: nah~


After breakfast, it had become very tense and awkward between the team. Coran hadn't spoken to you after the incident, probably in shame or embarrassment. Lance, on the other hand, wouldn't leave you alone. He kept on prodding questions at you, asking if you were gonna tell Keith, actually liked Keith, and if you need a wingman. 

All the while, you didn't notice a certain raven was getting annoyed with how close a certain blue paladin was getting to you. You were all currently relaxing in the lounge, the team had another birthday surprise for you but that was later in the day. So you were currently (Sketching/Writing/Reading) in the meantime. 

"Hey, (Y/N)?" You saw Keith look up at you two in the corner of your eye.

"Yes, Lance?"

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Shoot," you replied.

"Okay, how do you feel about K-"

You abruptly covered his mouth with your hand and dragged him all the way over to the hallway. 

"Lance!" You said making sure no one followed, "You can't ask me th-Ew! Did you just lick my hand?!"

"Well, I didn't think you were going to let me breathe anytime soon," the Cuban replied.

"And sorry, but I really do want to ask you questions about him." Groaning, you decided why not have this conversation in the privacy of your room. 

"Fine, but just stay quiet! And we're going to be speaking in my room, I can't risk anyone hearing." Lance smiled and you just rolled your eyes. 

Finally, at the door of your room, you flopped on your bed, "ask away." You said your face buried in the covers.

"So-o do you really like Keith?"

"Yes, I've had the longest crush on him. I just don't think he feels the same way," you frowned.

"Are you sure? I mean, you have me,"

You shouted, "just kidding, just kidding." he laughed.

"So you have a crush on an emo guy. Who may or may not like you back. And you're soulmates. I'm pretty sure he does like you, (N/N). Plus, you're Shiro's sister! AKA the best pilot at the Garrison!" He made hand movements to emphasize your supposed greatness.

You clicked your tongue, "Second best actually. Keith was number one." Lance groaned.

"See, top two? You guys are made for each other." You replied to this by rolling your eyes and scoffing. 

"As if. Keith has so many other girls out there who would love to date him. And once he realizes that I'm his soulmate he'll hate me forever for ruining his chances with the girl he loves."

"Who will hate you?" You and Lance both froze before glancing at your door to see the Red and Black Paladins. 

"Woah, speak of the de-" 

"Finish that sentence, Lance. I dare you." You said, deadpanning, before returning to the situation at hand.

"Uh, nobody. We're just uh having a like..."You trailed off.

 "Birthday gossip session!" Lance said happily, "Y'know to help ease (Y/N)'s stress."

You had no idea what was going on but Keith just nodded his head, "Oh, a birthday gossip session. Yeah, I know what those are. Psh, I mean-uh." The poor boy looked as confused as ever. Shiro, unlike Keith, just raised an eyebrow.

"C-can we join?"

You and Lance looked at each other before Shiro smirked, "Yeah, I would like to help ease my little sister's stress too." He sent a secret death glare your way as if to say, how dare you keep secrets from your older brother. 

You gulped, "heheh sure." Lance looked at you as if you were insane. 

So there you were: sitting criss cross on your bed, with Lance, your soulmate/crush, and older brother copying your actions.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Shiro asked. 

Immediately your face went red and you looked to the side. 

"Uh, A-allura! Allura would hate (Y/N) if she found out that, uh... That she..."
"I heard he." Dang it Shiro, you thought in your head.

You and Lance looked at each other, defeated before looking down suddenly very interested in your mattress. 

"Look," Keith sighed, "I get that Lance is your soulmate and everything, but can you guys stop being so close? I mean, (Y/N) you're my best friend. I would there rather not be secrets between us." 

You and Lance gasped, "W-what?" Shiro just stared at the sight before him, before face palming realizing the situation. 

"Keith," You began, "n-no. I should go! I'll be in my room, uh I'm happy for you guys." Keith ran off before you could say anything else. 

"Hey! Keith!" You ran off your bed and sprinted towards the raven. He was about to shut his door when you rammed your foot in and it didn't close. 

"Keith," you breathed out, walking in.  

"What?" he whimpered and your eyes widened. He was looking down at his shoes and you finally noticed the tears on his face and how tight he was clutching his knife. 

"Lance isn't my soulmate..." His eyes widened, "Then who is it?"

You took your jacket off, showing him the tattoo of his knife on it. You heard a gasp, then you closed your eyes, ready for your childhood friend to reject you. But instead of a "i'm sorry", a pair of lips were placed upon yours. 

You opened your eyes and saw Keith break away. "I-I'm sorry, did you not-" He was cut off and you threw your arms around him and kissed him. When you both parted, you leaned your forehead on his. "I love you so much," he whispered looking into your eyes.

"That's the best birthday present I could ever ask for." You whispered back. 

this is so short, im crying. 

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