special chapter • dedicated to tristan

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Tristan ran towards the house and knocked on the door. Smiling happily, she kicked her tennis shoes together while waiting for the door to open. She tried not to think about what happened to the man from before. About how this home used to be a depressing memory. About how- her thoughts were interrupted when there was a shout of "Tristan!" and three brunettes ran into the girl. "Luis, Marco, Veronica! Hi!" She waved hugging them back. They let her in the front door, "Tristan! Tristan! Did you know that I'm getting better at spanish?!" Marco yelled. "Really?" the girl asked him. "Heyy! I want to talk to Tristan too!" Veronica and Marco soon got into a small quarrel. "Niños! Niños! Calm down! You're scaring Señorita Tristan!"

The two kids looked back at Tristan then at their mother, "Sorry Mama! Sorry Señorita!" They both said then giggled and ran over to Luis. "Sorry about that, Señorita. They have been getting into so many peleas lately! Not since he le-." The woman stopped herself then looked sorrowfully at Tristan. "Perdóname." Miss Mcclain whispered. Tristan made a small, yet forced smile, "Its fine Senora Mcclain. Its been hard for me too." Miss Mcclain 'tsk'd then hugged the girl. "So how have you been?" "Amazing! The Garrison is so cool and the fact that I became a fighter pilot is just... Enchanting!" Luis's eyes lit up, "Señorita Tristan! Can you please tell me historias about the Galaxy Garrison!?"

"Yeah!" Veronica yelled, "do alienígenas exist?!" Tristan made a teasing smile, "I would tell ya, but its confidental!" She winked playfully at Miss Mcclain who laughed a little. "Huuuh!?" The three Mcclain siblings ran up and down the house in excitement and curiosity. Shaking her head, Miss Mcclain smiled. "It is as if you have been a part of our family forever, since you're used to this chaos," she and Tristan shared a laugh. A timer went off and Miss Mcclain yelled, "dinner!" All of the children suddenly ran as fast as light to the dinner table and were prancing in their seats. "Señorita Tristan!!! Are you going to be joining us for cena!?" "Yeah! Are you Señorita Tristan?!" The three of them yelled, excited. Tristan was about to decline when, "Are you sure, mija? I'm sure a little food won't hurt."

Hesitantly, Tristan sat down. The three children erupted in cheers and the girl laughed along with them. After dinner was done and Miss Mcclain was taking the kids to bed, Tristan thought about all the times she had there with Lance. Lance, she thought to herself, where are you? Without knowing it, a tear dripped down her face. "T-tristan? Are you okay?" Tristan looked at the hallway in shock and saw Veronica. "Ah, V you gave me a scare there. Haha, yeah I'm fine." "But you're crying," Tristan went silent. The young girl looked at her hesitantly before asking, "can you braid my hair?" She handed out a brush. "Uh, sure." Tristan gently grabbed the brush and began to comb through the young girls' hair. It was quiet until the girl started talking, "Do you miss Lance?" The question caught Tristan off-guard and she didn't know how to react.

"Of course I do." "I do too. Lance told me that when I turned 12, he would throw the biggest party for me. A-and that he would get me the biggest cake ever! And the best present!" Her eyes lit up, "do you think he'll come back for my party?" Tristan grimaced, "if he doesn't that idiot is going to get hurt," she paused. "But I'm sure he will." Even though the poor girl's party was tomorrow. "Y'know Lance really liked you. He would always tell us about you. How you laughed at his jokes, how you helped him study, how pretty he thought you were. He would even go ahead and say that you would make a really, really good mama." Tristan finished the girl's braid, "really?" Veronica turned and looked at her, "really." she smiled. "VERONICA! WHY ARE YOUR PILLOWS A BODY DOUBLE!?" "AH! COMING MAMA!"

Tristan sighed then grabbed her stuff and left the Mcclain household, Oh Lance. When will you come back?


After Tristan her Galaxy Garrison homework, she started to wrap up Veronica's gift. It was a heart locket. When you opened it, there was a group picture of Luis, Marco, Miss Mcclain, Veronica, her, and... Lance. Nonetheless, Tristan thought the girl would like the jewelry piece and threw it into a small, jewelry gift box and started wrapping. Deciding she could also help decorate for Veronica's party, Tristan grabbed her stuff and walked over to the Mcclain household.


Upon reaching the home, Tristan knocked and sure enough Veronica answered the door. "Happy birthday V!" The girl hugged the now twelve year-old. "Thank you Señorita Tristan!" "Here's your gift, but don't open it til gift time!" "Wow! Thank you!" The girl ran in the house to put it on the table and Tristan closed the door. "Hi Miss Mcclain," the old woman looked up from baking. "Oh, hello Señorita! Would you go be a querido and put some streamers out while I'm making her cake?!" "Of course!" Tristan grabbed a bundle of pink, yellow, and orange streamers and ran outside to the glamorous backyard. "Let's do this." After about thirty minutes Tristan was finally done. Looking at her handiwork proudly she was about to go inside when she heard a giant crash.

"huh?" she turned back and noticed a green robotic lion in the country surrounding the Mcclain home. The girl looked and her eyes widened when she noticed more unknown objects were coming. Quickly running into the house, Tristan grabbed her backpack and got out her Garrison Med Kit and gun. Swiftly, putting it in her pocket she yelled, "Everyone stay inside! There's something going on outside and I'm going to check it out! Someone might be hurt!" She was about to leave when she felt a small hand on hers, "please don't disappear like Lance." Veronica whispered. Tristan nodded then ran out into the backyard.

Seeing now five robotic lions, a  white and light blue ship, and a black and purple ship Tristan was now questioning her mental health. Until she almost got hit by a flying laser. Dodging quickly she noticed the other robots kept on attacking the purple ship, while the green one still laid on the ground. Running over to the green contraption, Tristan heard a soft groan. "Are you okay?" She saw a girl with short brown hair then noticed the bruise forming on her head. "Ouch..." Tristan started tending to her wound when people's faces appeared on the screen. "Alright Pidge they're gone. Are you alright?! W-who are you!?" A man with black and white hair asked. "Tristan!?"

The girl, now done with tending to Green's wounds, ran out back to the Mcclain household. "Hey!" "Wait!" she heard numerous shouts, but continued running not looking back. She reached the house and Miss Mcclain let her in, "what happened out ther-" as there was knocking on the glass panel. Tristan was about to turn around, assuming the worst when Veronica shouted, "Lance!"

Tristan felt her entire heart crash down as a familiar someone hugged her from the back, "I knew it was you." Her eyes widened and...

She quickly grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground. Seeing Green, Red, Yellow, and... Grey? The same man on the screen. They all got into a fighting stance, holding their weapons ready and Tristan held out her Garrison gun furrowing her brows. "Hey! Hey! Guys stop! Pidge, Keith, Hunk, Shiro meet my family! Mama, Luis, Marco, and Veronica! This is Tristan! My best friend!" They all lowered their weapons, including you. "Lance! Lance! You cam back! You kept your promise! You said you would come back on my birthday! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

Looking away, Tristan ran up the stairs to Veronica's room, unnoticed. Except by Lance, "hold on v. I-I need to tell Tristan something."

Sitting on Veronica's bed, Tristan rubbed her eyes. "Knock, knock. Guess who's there!" when no one answered him he replied, "Aww, come on. Not even a pity laugh?" Lance sat down next to Tristan, "a-are you okay?" "what do you mean? You left for an ENTIRE YEAR, Lance! AN ENTIRE YEAR! Your family has been SUFFERING because you've been doing who knows what?! AND YOU ASK ME IF I'M OKAY?! I-I! I LOVED YOU SO MUCH! I GAVE YOU SO MUCH! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME! BUT YOU JUST LEFT! RIGHT WHEN I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE GARRISON!" She covered her face, "d-did you not want me to come...?" The girl felt hands pull down hers, "Tristan I was stuck in space. I could never leave you willingly a-and," he gulped, "I do like you. Like, like like you. As in girlfriend." He took a deep breath,

"Everytime when I wanted to give up or when I was about to lose a fight, I thought about you Tristan. You, you mean so much to me. I loved you so much too. I'm so so so sorry for leaving you and everyone else." Tears ran down his face, "'I am." Tristan looked up at him and smiled, "you dork." she said with watery eyes then pressed her lips against his.


Total Words: 1,593

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