m! p.g. | dancing in the dark

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ahhh, my first song fic...
finding this song was a painnnnnn
also yes! 1,573 words!!!

Song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Extra Info: Male! Pidge Gunderson x Reader

Requested: in a way, i mean i wanted to do this and my friend was asking me to as well.

I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Pidge had taken you to the roof of the Garrison for the past week, showing you all of his inventions. You had always joined him happily, of course you were a bit suspicious. As the co-pilot of the group you would think he would also invite Lance and Hunk along. Yet, it was always just you. You never said anything about it though, you knew how secretive the boy was.

Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

You also knew that the boy was actually Kaeden Holt in disguise. After he was found hacking into the Garrison, the boy had been able to clear his name and started to attend the Garrison under a new identity. As his childhood friend, of course he told you what he did. During the times when he did bring you to the roof, you slowly started to understand why he wasn't telling the others; he trusted you the most.

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was

Of course you had grown a liking to Pidge as you grew older. At first when you were little, you thought that it was just the feeling of friendship, but when you started understanding you didn't feel the same way towards Matt, you figured it out. You had a crush on Kaeden Holt, or Pidge Gunderson. So every so often, you would get flustered when he asked you to join him in the moonlight. Fortunately, even though Pidge had a great amount of smarts, he was oblivious to your crush on him. Hunk, on the other hand, did notice and secretly supported you and him.

I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow

Sometimes though, you wouldn't find him caught up in all his gadgets. He would just be there, in a green T-Shirt, orange hoodie around his waist and you would both talk. Talk about the day, about Lance, about Hunk, basically about anything. Sometimes, he would even grab your hand and ask to dance under the cloak of the night. You were always hesitant, what if the boy of you got caught and into trouble. But upon seeing Pidge's nervous smile, you would always melt and accept his request.

Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

So you and Pidge would dance together on the roof. Alone. At night. Under the cloak of the moonlight. No wonder you would always wonder if it was a dream when you woke up every morning. You were love struck. But during that fateful night when Shiro and Voltron came into your lives, it was as if Pidge had forgotten you. He was more into his tech and finding his family than spending time with his childhood friend. You were beyond hurt when the boy was going to leave in a escape pod to find his family without you. But after the whole ordeal, you were still hurt and gave him the cold shoulder.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms

While Lance was put in the healing pod, Pidge grabbed you to the side and lead you to the outside of the castle and onto Arus. Where the Arusians where nowhere to be found and you were both alone. At night. Under the cloak of the moonlight. Pidge adjusted his glasses then looked at you sorrowfully, "I'm really sorry, (Y/N)." "Oh really?" You asked, looking at your nails, "for what?" Pidge frowned even more, "For almost leaving Voltron. A-almost leaving you." You looked up at him, furrowing your eyebrows. Pidge took a deep breath, "This seems familiar, huh?" He looked out at the sky, then sighed upon your lack of response. "D-do you hate me, (Y/N)?" he asked.

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