1. Motherly

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I swear if I have to listen to another male tell me how great his new proposition is, I'm going nuclear.

Probably, the next one will say the same thing.

Today was court Wednesday, the day where I reside on my throne and listen to the many propositions. If it was really important, involving rogue packs and current wars, then it was held in the conference room on the third highest flat. But if it was going about daily disputes over land or marriage proposals, like now, then it was done in the throne room.

Another male trying to court me, the famous Clio Thalatte.

I have been ruling since I was sixteen ever since my mother died. My father, rather cliché, lost his will to do anything and handed the throne over to me. As expected, there was much unrest and chaos about a little girl ruling the Werewolf kingdom. Then after three years of struggling that little girl became the most respected and most feared woman, Luna, to ever rule.

That made those idiotic men bow down, for sure.

So there I sat, reclining in my throne, listening to a son of an alpha. They were all the same really. Moderately handsome and seem to appeal charming. Alphas from the smallest packs have been sending me their sons in hopes of them courting me and becoming king even though I've proved that there is no need for a king.

What can I say, they have hopes.

Obviously, they aren't my mates but they still want to be king. Frankly even if I met my mate I wouldn't make him king. That's all men want, power.

"Look, whatever your name is, I'm going to have to decline your offer. I'm just not interested." and with that the guards stepped forward and escorted the man out.

I stood up from my throne. "Linguini! Do I have anymore appointments today?"

My advisor stood among the guard. He was slightly shorter than most the guards and with red hair and green eyes, he definitely stood out.

He stepped forward. "No madam. All that is left is courting appointments where your presence is not needed."

I nodded. "Good, I'm done for the day. I will be retiring to the upper floors. Only disturb me for important matters, do you understand?"

They all nodded. The years where they back chatted me and disrespected me were long gone. I was now the ultimate twenty-one year old Luna out there.

Normally I took the stairs for a bit of exercise but today I preferred the elevator. The castle was beautiful, breathtakingly so. It was built just after the Greeks so it mirrored their architecture. It was heaven reincarnated and no changes were made to it over the years.

The second floor was a relaxation floor. Couches, window walls, books and a TV were scattered around the floor. The first floor was my room, bathroom and kitchen complete with a window wall.

It was by far grand and expensive too. What can I say? If I'm the queen then I deserve queen sized everything.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed last night's left overs and placed it in the microwave. I turned to watch the sunset through the glass wall.

"Beautiful as ever but don't tell him that."a silky voice filled my ears.

I turned to see a woman that looked very much like my mother. She had the same bronze skin and brunette hair as me. Only difference is her eyes were silver. Definitely not grey.

In fact she was like a mother to me.

"Moon Goddess." I bowed before turning back to the sunset. "Yes, quite indeed."

"You are doing quite a nice job as queen, Thalatte. For that I'm grateful." She said sweetly.

"That is some compliment, my lady." I started to wonder why the Moon Goddess was here.

She has visited a few times, once being when I became queen and another being when I turned eighteen.

"Unfortunately, I'm here on bad news I'm afraid. It is concerning your mate." She admitted and I turned at the last two words.

My mate.

I hated the idea of my mate. I expected him to come at a time of need like, when I turned sixteen, when my mother died and I was made queen. Or when I was eighteen and I had to launch an attack on a rogue army as lead soldier. All those times I expected him to come, to support me, but he never did.

So I became used to the idea of being alone with my father being absent. Also the constant marriage proposals and bachelors asking to court me left a sour aftertaste on the two words.

"What about my mate?" I could barely even say the words.

"I know how you feel about mates. In fact, I take some pride in this match that I've made but that is besides the point. During your life there are many times you can meet your mate so anyway possible, you'll meet him." she informed. "I am here because one of the key moments of meeting your mate is now. See a time frame has opened up allowing you to change your future. Without your mate, it is safe to say you'll suffer. Those few years when you became queen will seem like child's play but if you do find your mate, you won't have to endure so much. This is, ideally when you want to meet your mate. "

I studied her face. "Will it really be so bad? Worse than what has come before?"

Her grim expression was answer enough. "Find your mate, Thalatte, and you won't experience heartache, turmoil and pain like never before. But do not be so down, he is quite a man."

Thank you for the amazing cover katielou1765 and please support my first werewolf book.

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