20. Alpha And Luna

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I stared at Moon, questions flooding in and out of my mind.

Where was the hate for the creators and gods? Where was the hate that grew steadily for millenia? Yet looking into the silver eyes of Moon, it couldn't be found.

This planet is meant to be her, some part of me reasoned. She was meant to replace you, rule you. Take revenge!

But staring at the beautiful goddess, my being couldn't.

"Dark, come with me. I want you to help me create the werewolves. I want you to be apart of this world." She asked, her eyes glaring at my soul begging it to submit. It obliged.

She grabbed my hand and led me across her world. Eventually we stopped.

"This is one of my favorite spots. I created those two pillars to lean on each other just for this purpose. The birth of werewolves." She said, excitedly.

I didn't know why but anxiety ran through my body. This was something for the gods to worry about. A sub species that is built on the same basis as a god? That was definitely something that wouldn't go well with the creators.

Yet why was there perspiration on my hands and running down my face? Why was my new heart racing?

Because even I, a thing that was not supposed to exist, knew this was wrong but as Moon started and a form began to take shape, I did nothing.

Strangely, the being looked somewhat similar to me. It had two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears and a mouth. It's eyes scanned over everything hungrily.

It looked too alike to a god especially when it's eyes fixated on me. It broke into a run and lunged for me. I caught it by its neck as it struggled to harm me.

"Your pet needs to be tamed." I calmly said, satisfaction filling me at the sight of my body.

Moon ignored me as she focused on her latest creation. "Calm yourself."

It stilled and focused on its master.

Moon continued. "I am your creature. My name is Moon. I am a goddess."

It tilted its head. "Moon... Goddess?"

"Yes, I'm your goddess." She calmed him. I released him and watched as he landed with a thud. "I'll name you Alpha."

"Moon, this creature cannot be safe. Let me kill it." I urged. I wondered why I wanted to protect the very thing I wanted to kill.

"No, Dark. Look, he almost like you. Almost as strong and handsome as the Dark himself." She smiled while observing Alpha.

"Yet it has a name." I said, softly. Moon turned to me.

"You do not have a name? I thought Dark was your name." She asked.

I turned to look at my planetary form up above. Even now, a part of it was hidden or destroyed. It was hard to tell when I was here and not there.

"Dark is just a symbol for me. Many consider me, the planet, to be called Moon because the goddess that lives there is called Moon. So if Moon shines then all that is left is dark."

"Perhaps it is time for a new name. A new form, a new name." She reasoned. I nodded.

"Perhaps," The memory of me killing the  creature flickered. ", Fenris. Yes, Fenris, a creature bound by the gods."

And was destined to kill the gods, I finished within.

"Fenris, I like it." Moon smiled.

Soon, we departed with Alpha and as time passed Moon gave him a mate named Luna. My hate for her creatures were contained by the love Moon gave me.

Until the day came when the hate won.

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