22. The Ends Beginning Part 1

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I forced my broken form up and began to trudge back towards the grand hall. It had become too quiet.

My head pounded, my form ached and the two wolves were quiet within my head. I knew Manhattan was not pleased. Being forced out by Moon was not something she appreciated and I knew for a fact that she held the outcome over her head.

To be honest, I was too. She had forced her way through and had not given me enough training to master her power. And we paid the price.

Judging by her silence, she agreed.

I climbed through the new entrance my body had made a while back. I was met with even more silence.

Bodies littered the floor in heaps. Those who were alive clung to the walls as if that could make the dead disappear. My eyes zeroed in on one of the bodies.

"Linguine!" I scrambled over the rumble and dove for my right hand. I slowly brought his broken form and cradled him.

From what I could see, and I didn't want to see much, his chest had caved in from a heavy object. Not a heavy object, Fenris' fist. Blood pooled from various gashes made by claws.

Suddenly, the silence was ingulfed in my screams. My tears rained down on his lifeless body.

After what felt like hours, my tears dried and my cries horse, I stood up. "You were a great lieutenant and the best friend. Rest in Luna, Linguine."

I turned to my pack, who still clung to the walls. "Bury the dead with honor. Once done, assemble the rest of the army."

They shifted and murmured but didn't move. Lance stepped forward, arm in a sling and scratches running the length of his face.

"My queen, all do respect we just lost a third of our army. Mourning the loss is one thing but-"

"Enough!" I barked. Lance fell silent. "I do not care if I lost my entire army. This isn't a fight for the moon goddess anymore. This is a fight for our world. I want to see my kingdom survive, my people survive and I'm not going to let some god with a lovers revenge take all that I love."

Those who clung to the walls moved closer, chanting. "Hail the queen!"

"Assemble the army. We march at dawn." I ordered and this time they all obeyed.

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Though down a third, the army was more over ten thousand.

When a mythological army moves, scouts would be put around the army. In our case, the army marches as humans while the scouts, in wolf form, watched and tracked the scent of nearby enemies.

That being said, when the sun was highest we arrived. It was a U-shaped valley with two pillar-like masses leaning against each other in the center. The army spread out along our rim of the valley.

"What is this place?" Lance asked. His arm was out of the sling, thanks to werewolf healing though the scratches were still raw.

"This is the den of creation, the place where werewolves were born." I explained.

"Indeed." Someone said. My head whipped to see who the voice belonged to.


He stood intermingled or he was intermingled with the army before he announced his presence. Now a rough semi-circle encased him.

"When Moon had her idea to create the copied versions of gods, werewolves, she created the first one here. Named him Alpha. Hated that thing from the moment he opened his eyes." He turned to look at me, his eyes a mixture of Fenris' blue and his black.

He had combined fully with Fenris.

"The stupid thing attacked me the moment it laid eyes on me." He flickered and appeared infront of me, inches away. "Do you know what lays within that mountain?"

I followed where he was pointing, a mountain that rose in the distance still fairly close to the den of creation.

I shook my head.

"Oh, Moon." He shook his head. "You bring your army here, ready to fight and you have no idea why I'm doing this."

"Of course we know why you're doing this!" A soldier shouted within the safety of the ranks.

"Yeah! You hate the higher ranks and that's why your coming after our queen!" Another shouted.

"You never told them?" Michael asked with amusement, a smirk playing at his lips. "In our universe, things exist in pairs. The creators created planets, then they created gods to rule over those planets. I was one of those planets,"

He pointed up to the sky, where a crescent shaped moon stood parallel to the sun. ", the rock of dust and no life. We weren't allowed to take form but only to exist. They assigned a goddess named Moon to rule the planet and soon the planet was renamed Moon. I was nameless until she came, forced under her reign.

The creators gave Moon a planet as a opportunity and the moment she had left for Earth, I broke free. I took the form of a god and, knowing that eventually the creators would come for me, I fled to Earth to kill the very goddess that reigned over me.

When I met Moon however, that quickly changed. I never had eyes and from what little beauty Earth had, Moon had much more. I fell in love. "

He paused to let that sink in. No one objected or shouted because we all knew it was the truth.

" Moon had great plans, to create beings like gods only restricted by mortality. I objected, knowing the creators would dislike this but I stayed with her as she made Alpha. And then Luna. She taught them how to life and soon they had children. But it was not enough and I was right. " He pointed, once again, to the mountain. " When Moon wasn't teaching her pets, we lived in a abode hidden in the mountains. One night I felt a presence outside and struck. It was the Alpha, watching Moon and I have sex. There was no clothes back then so I knew it the moment I saw him aroused. Luckily, we had done nothing yet and I opted for killing him, but Moon said no. I told her that if not feared, they would make a move on her. She did not listen."

"I fled into the night to calm myself, leaving Alpha with Moon. On my run, I met her apprentice, one of Luna's daughters. She warned me that her family was indeed fed up with Moon and were to kill her. Specifically Alpha and his two sons. Luna had wisely stayed back. Armed with this new information, I charged back to Moon and killed Alpha. His two sons charged in revenge and I killed one. I was about to kill the other one when Moon stopped me. I was to obey her, I was no longer her partner anymore but rather beneath her. I warned her again, that the son who had survived would sire more and in end, return to finish the job. She did not listen and in a way, rejected me. Armed with this new hatred that she had spawned and the name she had given me, Fenris, I gave pursuit.

I vowed to end all that the son sired and I thought I had. And yet, one day I awoke to realize that I had not killed all of them, that there was a descendant. She was a queen. "

He looked at me, staring deep within my soul as if he could see my ancestors. " You, Clio Thalatte, are the last remaining descendant of Lycan, son of Alpha. "

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