6. Necessary

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"Don't try that on me, Lydia. I know that Druids were apart of your pack." I steeled my jaw. They were not to test me here today.

Lydia stepped back then looked at Lance. "But this is not my problem. The control of Rogues and their leaders is Lance's job."

"I control the hunt. You control the creation, Lydia." He replied instantly.

For the early of hours of the day until high noon, it was me grilling the generals and I am pleased to say that, they would be wary in what they do now. It is only right. This was unacceptable.

One pm, I decided to stroll in the gardens that surrounded the palace. There, everything was natural unlike the palace garden. The palace garden was a room in the north most corner that was filled with beautiful and exotic flowers from across the world. The gardens surrounding the palace, however, were all natural. It was a different beautiful, one that I appreciated.

Phillip, my guard, accompanied me. Normally a royal would need more guards but because I was the strongest wolf in the world, I only needed one to relax.

I walked through the tall grass that reached my knees. Phillip walked some distance to my left, watching the newly mated couples and families hang out. I too watched them.

My heightened noise picked up all the different smells. As the queen, the abilities of a normal werewolf were even more heightened. I could pick up any smell. A fire to the east about two miles away from the borders, the arousal from the mated couple, the scent of dry grass and even Phillips deodorant. Even that oddly jelly like smell that floated in the air.

Wait a moment...

My head whipped to the side as Phillip came closer to me.

"Miss, is there something wrong?" He asked, looking in the direction I was.

"Is there something happening that way?" I asked in return. He turned his head away to mind link control centre.

"There appears to be a rogue attack about a mile away from the border. Border control has it, ma'am." He assured me but that smell because more persistent. The smell of my mate.

"Take me there, Phillip." I ordered.

He nodded. "As you wish."

He shifted to his wolf, a wolf about a five point five foot tall. It was a grey wolf with just a splash of yellow. Being the queen, his name instantly popped into my head. Ferraro.

As a the queens guard, which is actually carries the same weight as a general, means his wolf was larger than most of alphas.

I shifted as well into my, surprise surprise, black wolf. Yes, your queen has a black wolf. Over six foot tall, massive advantage in weight and agility.

Just like a queen should be.

Normally alphas have black wolves. Never the queen and never a girl. And yet here we are.

We raced to the nearest gate. Bystanders stepped out the way and gawked at the sight of my wolf, Manhattan. It was a rare occurrence that she came out.

We ran out of the gates at full speed and in the direction of the attack. The intoxicating smell intensified as I got closer. It was like sugar coated jelly cubes. Oddly specific but they were my favourite since I was a little girl.

We emerged to a seen I was not expecting.

The border control were taking dives at the weirdest wolf I've ever seen. A female wolf laid wounded. By the smell and size, she was a rogue and a newly shifted one at it.

Border control were messing around trying to kill the wolf that guarded her. It was a typical sized wolf, ordinary really. It was already wounded but it was still standing. The rogue was desperately trying to defend the female.

The scent was everywhere but my senses told me that the male was not the source.

Border control was playing with the two rogues, knowing that they already won.

My eyes searched. Mainly for my mate but also to see where the other rogues were. Surely there couldn't just be two.

Another corrupt thing in the world of werewolves.

No one noticed me and Phillip. I was about to step into the fight when a brown whizz flew out of the shadows of the treeline. It darted from one treeline to the next taking three wolves with it. It whizzed back and took out the remaining three.

I stared at the brown shape as it flew past me twice. It was him.

The rogue male sniffed the female. He grabbed her by the neck and lugged her into the trees.

I shot all my senses out. My ears didn't pick up any movement, my nose didn't pick up any smell. My eyes didn't capture a color out of place.

Then I tilted my head. It was too quiet. I looked to my left. Phillip was gone.

I was all alone with the Rogue God.

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