5. Clash

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A simple question that could never get an answer because it is constantly being replaced by other why's.

I didn't sleep. After reading about the Rogue God, I forced the story to back of my head. I had to focus on another task besides my mate.

So I continued to read up on what my generals had been up too. A lot of menial tasks were completed but I could tell just from the reports that they had been slacking off. I would have to arrange for them to return to the palace. I need to make it clear that this is unacceptable.

I sat at three a.m, drinking coffee. Linguine, besides the hour, was already on the job of calling the generals to the palace. William too, was up managing all Linguine's usual tasks.

The hours droned by. It has been a long time since I relaxed like this, letting the hours go by while I did nothing but sit there. Even that is enough. I did not need the luxury of watching TV even though I had one.

At five, I got up and went through my routine. I threw on a black second skin over a white tank top. With jeans and high tops, I descended to the throne room.

Though the time, the palace was already bustling. People that were staying overnight were leaving and guards weaved through out the crowd making sure that they all leave. Some of them were even escorting a few people out. These are the people who didn't want to leave but because of the very precise records, the guards knew who had to leave.

The cut off time was at nine. On a good day, the guards would warn them to leave. On a bad day, which is more often, they would force you out at five. Like now.

Everyone came to a standstill as I entered the room and bowed. I nodded as I continued my way down one of the corridors.

I reached the public kitchen. Chefs bustled up and down to cook today's meal for the hundreds that flock into the palace everyday.

"Ah Thalatte!" A woman's voice shouted. "What are you doing here, darling?"

Juilet came up to me. She was a few inches shorter than me and her ebony skin gleamed, impossibly, with happiness. Her brown eyes had purity in it making her look innocent but I knew she was anything but. This is one badass werewolf.

"Just came for the food, Juilet." I smirked as her face lit up.

"Don't lie to me, Thalatte." She laughed. She knew me well.

"I needed something to clear my head for a while longer before my day." She nodded in understanding before disappearing to the back of the kitchen.

I took a seat at the counter. Every once in a while, passing cooks would notice me and bow before continuing on their way. It was allowed here. The kitchen was busy twenty hours a day. There were shifts but some were here from the beginning till the end of the shift, constantly cooking so there was no time to meet and greet.

And I allowed it, only in the kitchen though.

Juilet returned with a bowl of porridge and juice. I ate while she watched, waiting for an explanation. I set the spoon down after the fifth helping.

"I met my mate." I told her quietly. She screamed but quieted down when she noticed my look.

She lowered her voice and leaned in. "When was this?"

"It was yesterday. He just appeared and then disappeared." I admitted. I wasn't going to tell her everything just the gist of it.

"What did he look like?"

I shook my head. "I didn't get to see him. He was there in the shadows and then he was gone."

She threw a hand over her mouth. "Everyone has a mate. Some yearn for that person, others hate the idea but they can't resist the pull. Humans, who know about us, envy what we have. The sensations, the pull, the bond we have is what they want. All they have is happiness and that's enough. Your mate, whatever his reason, isn't resisting the pull. That much I can guarantee."

I wasn't to sure about that. If I remember correctly, the Moon Goddess's words were something of me and my mate clashing on each other's ideals. His ideals were like mine so they would clash.

That's if we ever get the chance to clash.

After finishing breakfast, I made my way to the third floor. Like I said before, the third floor was a conference room for important matters.

I entered the room, the smell of powerful wolves in it but not as powerful as mine. My wolf was always strong but when I entered my own, my wolf involved into something greater.

As I entered, there heads snapped my direction. Two men and three women, naturally.

They bowed and mumbled. "Your highness."

I sat down at the head of the table. "Perhaps you would like to explain why you all of you aren't doing your jobs? And if you tell me that you are, you will have booked yourself a trip to the dungeons."

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