9. Beautiful Monster

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I gazed at the floating face of my mate, hovering where my citizens used to be.

I wondered if he would say anything else, if he was even talking to me but nothing came after.

"Beautiful, isn't he? You'd think for something that's considered a monster, he'd have red eyes." A familiar voice came from my side. I turned to see the Moon Goddess standing next to me gazing at my mate.

The Rogue God.

"How did I end up with your mate?" I asked the goddess.

She laughed. "When I was still a young goddess, I paid careful attention to what I made and who I matched. But over time, a piece of my mind took up the job and ever since then, I've been matching werewolves subconsciously. I only pay special attention to kings and queens, powerful betas and the exceptions. "

"So you matched me with The Rogue God?"  I asked since she didn't really answer my question.

"To make it less complicated, I matched you with the human part of your mate. I expect your mate attracted my counterpart himself. I would never let him have another mate otherwise, then again, that must be what he was thinking right at the moment. Yes, he must have felt so hurt when he realized he had a mate. Almost as if I've given him away."

"I do not understand, Milady. How can a simple beta attract your counterpart, a god no less?" 

"And how is it that you are so powerful for a Luna, my dear?" She fired back then sighed. "I cannot explain everything to you now, my Luna, but know this: You have met your mate. You are only a few steps away from avoiding your impending future but you will have to be each others mates."

I scoffed. "How can we be mates? We were at each others throats just a few hours ago and what was that roar about?"

She thought for awhile before answering. "And yet, both of you didn't want to fight. Only doing it for your divided kingdoms. And to explain the roar, well that is the side of my god that you do not want to see."

My god? "Tell me, if he is still your god then how come he isn't your husband?"

Instead of getting angry, she just smiled sadly. " It is sad to admit that the first relationship in the world was one of dating but it is true. Like I said, when I was young I only saw the world as a ball of light and learned later the darkness it hid. He was much the same, only knowing the world for it's darkness but never learning it's light. Perhaps you could succeed where  I have failed."

Succeed where a goddess has failed, huh? That seems highly ambitious but if I want to avoid my destiny of a terrible future, I would have to succeed where she failed,

" Alas our time has come to an end. By the way, I've been talking to the crowd on your behalf so you shouldn't have to deal with that. I also took the liberty of giving you the ability to recognize his wolf"

"Couldn't you just tell me his name now?" I shouted as she faded. I could still see her smile.

"Now where's the fun in that?" She faded and I had a few seconds to glimpse at my mates wolf face which whimpered and disappeared too.

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When I got back to my body, the crowd was dispersing heading back to their rooms and etc. Flashes of what I said played in my head. One persuasive speech.

Now I would have to deal with my guards and the generals. It seems no matter how much I prove myself as a female ruler there are still some that abuse my nature. I think what's more surprising is that some of these people are females themselves.

I traveled inside where everyone else had gathered. The chatter seized as I entered, Linguini at my side. Besides him being my right hand, he was also the beast of the Werewolf world. None of his peers or any wolf I've ever met in fact, could match his strength and speed. Next to him, only Manhattan could compare. That was until I met my mate, now I'm sure he could take both of us on in an instant.

"You all know why you are here." I started, my voice echoing through the hall. "It's come to my attention that there is serious issues within our ranks. Generals who do not report and do not carry out tasks, guards on border controls that take advantage of passing rogues. This is unacceptable and I will not stand by and let it happen! So for us mythical creatures that never use technology, cameras will be placed everywhere. "

Many gasped as the words left my mouth. Looks of anger, confusion, guilt and disdain littered the room. Even some growls sounded to which required one from me. Then there was silence.

" Cameras will be placed everywhere, visible and not. You will be watched. Do anything and it will be punishable by death. So Generals, report everyday in and continue your duties otherwise I'll go as far as putting spies in your ranks. Guards, the same goes for you. Do your jobs or I'll go as far as to disrupt your ranks with spies. I was a queen that let the world be but now I will change it by force and if you don't want to comply, your head will be first. "

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